There seems to be a lot of controversy going around lately about whether or not a sauna will help you to burn calories and lose weight. Some people think that the whole thing is just a myth, and some people swear by it.
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A lot of the sauna manufacturing companies will tell you that saunas definitely help you lose weight and calories, but this information is not as believable coming from someone who wants to sell you their sauna! Some of these companies' websites even have so called "doctors" who will answer any questions you may have about their saunas, but these people are employed by the company, and are still just trying to sell you their sauna.
Sitting inside of a hot sauna for any period of time will make you sweat. Sweating releases fluid from your body. The longer you sweat, the more fluid you will lose, and this fluid loss is really the only weight loss that you see from sauna use. Once you are done with the sauna for the day, it is highly recommended that you drink lots of water after you've cooled off. This basically puts the lost fluid right back inside of your body.
Many sauna companies boldly state that just twenty or thirty minutes inside of their sauna will burn anywhere from three hundred to one thousand calories. This is simply not possible. People are always looking for an easier way to burn calories than exercise, but exercise is the only efficient way to really get rid of calories. Sitting in a sauna for thirty minutes may burn up to three hundred calories, but this type of calorie burn will not have the same effect on your body as the calories burned during exercise.
Calories burnt off while sitting in a sauna are just calories burnt. There is no muscle building, no fat shedding, no after burn (VERY important!) and no muscle strengthening or toning. When you choose to burn calories through exercise, you not only burn more calories, but you also build and tone your muscle, and you get rid of the excess fat on your body. If you choose the right kinds of aerobics exercises, you will also get the added benefit of after burn. After burn is what the body does after you have finished exercising. After burn can burn calories up to fourteen hours after you have stopped exercising. If the only reason you are using a sauna is to lose weight, there are much better things you can be doing to achieve your goal.
Saunas are great for all kinds of other things though, and they can even help you to feel better about yourself. They will improve your skin, your health and your body. If they are used properly and safely, saunas will do a lot for you. I suggest using one at least two or three times a week, and I also recommend a good, weekly exercise routine for those who want to lose weight
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A lot of the sauna manufacturing companies will tell you that saunas definitely help you lose weight and calories, but this information is not as believable coming from someone who wants to sell you their sauna! Some of these companies' websites even have so called "doctors" who will answer any questions you may have about their saunas, but these people are employed by the company, and are still just trying to sell you their sauna.
Sitting inside of a hot sauna for any period of time will make you sweat. Sweating releases fluid from your body. The longer you sweat, the more fluid you will lose, and this fluid loss is really the only weight loss that you see from sauna use. Once you are done with the sauna for the day, it is highly recommended that you drink lots of water after you've cooled off. This basically puts the lost fluid right back inside of your body.
Many sauna companies boldly state that just twenty or thirty minutes inside of their sauna will burn anywhere from three hundred to one thousand calories. This is simply not possible. People are always looking for an easier way to burn calories than exercise, but exercise is the only efficient way to really get rid of calories. Sitting in a sauna for thirty minutes may burn up to three hundred calories, but this type of calorie burn will not have the same effect on your body as the calories burned during exercise.
Calories burnt off while sitting in a sauna are just calories burnt. There is no muscle building, no fat shedding, no after burn (VERY important!) and no muscle strengthening or toning. When you choose to burn calories through exercise, you not only burn more calories, but you also build and tone your muscle, and you get rid of the excess fat on your body. If you choose the right kinds of aerobics exercises, you will also get the added benefit of after burn. After burn is what the body does after you have finished exercising. After burn can burn calories up to fourteen hours after you have stopped exercising. If the only reason you are using a sauna is to lose weight, there are much better things you can be doing to achieve your goal.
Saunas are great for all kinds of other things though, and they can even help you to feel better about yourself. They will improve your skin, your health and your body. If they are used properly and safely, saunas will do a lot for you. I suggest using one at least two or three times a week, and I also recommend a good, weekly exercise routine for those who want to lose weight
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