Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Stop Your Puppy Jumping Up

Learning how to stop a puppy from jumping up is something you need to get onto straight away.

Puppies jumping up are a very natural thing that they do when they are little – to get attention – and in the wild to get fed by licking the Mother's face to encourage food to be regurgitated. Showing your puppy that it does not get attention when it jumps is something that you should encourage from a very early age. Often it can seem like fun when a puppy is very small but when your dog grows to 35kg and can jump 5 foot high it is not so funny.

If you do not stop the jumping when your puppy is little then when your puppy turns into a larger dog it soon turns into a more dominant display of demanding your attention!

  1. If your puppy is jumping up, simply turn and walk away. Ignore your puppy, no eye contact, no speaking and no touching.
  2. Continue to ignore and then after your puppy has calmed down, wait for 5 minutes and then call your puppy to you.
  3. If your puppy does not stop then isolate your puppy by either leaving the room or by putting the puppy in another room.

Puppy jumping up on visitors:

  • If your puppy is jumping on your visitors then ask them to do the same as described above. It may also help if you hold the puppy by its collar or on a lead until they relax – then release. If your puppy decides to mouth you then you should immediately isolate them in another room or a crate.

Puppy jumping up at you when you are getting ready for the walk:

  • Put the leash down and wait for 10 minutes or until your puppy is calm, then try again. This is important and although you are keen to go for a walk you should not rush it!

Important concepts:

  • It is really important not to speak – to stay calm and not say a word when your puppy jumps up. Remember your puppy is an attention-seeking machine!
  • Your puppy's jumping up and space invading is not its way of saying I love you!!
  • Space is very important to a dog and if she can invade yours whenever she wants then she will lose respect for you.
  • How would you feel if a human constantly invaded your space! It is more similar than you think!!
  • Start as you mean to go on. When your puppy is calm then you can call her and pick her up for a cuddle
  • When you are ignoring your puppy keep your arms folded and walk past the puppy confidently and assertively.

The two most common mistakes:

  1. Inconsistency – sometimes puppy jumping up is given attention!
  2. People make eye contact…This invites your puppy over, so do not make eye contact, focus on something else.

Another trick that will help is to train your puppy to sit for everything! If you can get your puppy to practise lots of "sits" then her default behaviour will simply be to sit when you call her, and not jump!





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Older Dog Toileting Inside

So your older dog is toileting inside and you don't understand why? Okay. Let me explain. First of all I should confirm that what we are talking about here is a dog that has already been toilet trained and has achieved this for a considerable period of time say more than 6 months. We also need to be sure that the dog is not so old that it is incontinent or sick. If none of the above are the case and you feel that it is behavioral then I can assure you it most likely is and the problem is simply this.

Your dog is 99.98% the DNA of a wolf. For a minute think of your dog as a wolf, in cute doggy clothing. The way your dog still works and thinks is still like a wolf! Now the chance of you actually being the pack leader is very slim. Believe me….if you want to check out to see if you are the pack leader then there is an amazing video web site where you can see how you fair!

Anyway back to the toileting in the house, in the wild if a wolf puppy was lost and needed to find their way home how would they go about it? There are no GPS systems, no street signs or maps to follow…..the puppies would follow their nose. They would pick up the scent of the den and track it back to safety and the adult dog pack would make sure there was a good strong fresh scent to follow!

Now, for a second let me amuse you. You are not the pack leader, your dog is, and when you leave your dog it is doing exactly what it would do in nature to help you find your way home… and guess what?… you return home. Only thing is when you return you are all stressed and angry (because you were lost maybe?) – Nothing to do with the new carpet being ruined.





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My Dog Doesn’t Come When I Call

One of the most common complaints is "my dog doesn't come when I call".

Training the recall is one of the funniest of all dog-training exercises because we do so much completely wrong! Let me explain.

This is what we want to achieve: When we call our dog "here Bella" we want Bella to come sprinting as fast as she can to us.

Now, in order to achieve this we must make "here Bella" the best command in the world. With the best result and rewards at the end!

So here are some tips!

  • Never call your dog if you are thinking of telling her off! You can undo months and months of hard work training your dog to come by telling her off just once. Suddenly coming when you call could be a really bed move!
  • 9 times out of 10 make sure that your dog has a good experience when she comes if you call you. On the 10th recall if you need to put your dog on a leash then do so.
  • When you call your dog to you think of coming as more of a "check in with me" than a "I am calling you to stop what you are doing".
  • Use a long line to keep control of your dog if you are unsure. A long line is a piece of line or rope that can be as long as you like that lies on the ground but you keep within reach!
  • If your dog hates returning to the car then reward your dog back at the car with water and a small feed and things will soon turn around!

The basic formula to any good recall training is:

  1. CALL your dog to you, then
  2. REWARD your dog within 2 seconds and then immediately
  3. RELEASE your dog.

In order to make your dog enjoy the experience you should learn the power of using affection and attention by withholding it and only giving it as a reward. This is one of the most powerful tools available to us and yet we get it all so wrong by giving the dog attention whenever they want and wondering why they don't come when we call them!






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Becoming a PvP Monster with IWinButtons Guide for WoW

Tired of getting ganked by enemies your own level? Eager to compete in battlegrounds, but constantly confronted by foes who seem to move and fight like lightning, and who stretch your character out on the ground before you've even hit your first button? Don't let these clowns work you over – the IWinButtons guide has methods deal with gankers of all levels. Get your guide today, and come out swinging!
Speed and precision are what win PvP battles, whether a single duel or a huge 40-man battleground like Alterac Valley or Isle of Conquest. Life and death hang on a split second of reaction time, and if you don't get off the exact sequence of attacks and abilities that the situation calls for, then your character is dead and on their way to a thirty-second sojourn in the local graveyard.
PvP is the most intensely demanding and challenging part of the World of Warcraft game, and one ill-timed slip-up – or even just a moment's hesitation – can lead to your character being slain and perhaps the whole battle being lost as well, if your team is deprived of your help at a crucial moment. And, as anyone who has played battlegrounds will know, there are very few moments indeed that aren't crucial! IWinButtons is your best bet to do this – and let me tell you why…
Macros and keybindings are the best way to ensure your reflexes are quick enough to get off a complex, furious flurry of attacks in exactly the order they need be launched in to kill your opponent. Pressing a button and triggering a sequence of deadly, swift, precisely ordered attacks is the only way to ensure that you won't end up wasting time with incorrect clicks, a moment of confusion, or thinking too hard about what you need to do – or giving your foe an opening with a heartbeat of uncertainty.
IWinButtons is crammed with information on the best macros used by the world's most successful arena and PvP players. You won't find any duds in this guide – every macro has been picked carefully and tested intensively to make sure it's the best possible for the role it's supposed to fulfill. These are the actual macros of players who have discovered the combinations of moves that let them dominate PvP, and become the strongest characters in the battleground – or the top arena teams of their server, as the case may be.
Don't fail to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunity that IWinButtons offers you – to get as good as the pros through the very same methods they use, without all the pain of trial, error, and experimentation they went through.
Get your copy of IWinButtons – A Definitive Guide to Macros and Keybinds now and drive your foes before you with a bloodcurdling yell of triumph. Remember, if you know about this chance to make your character into a PvP juggernaut, and don't make use of it, then you have nobody to blame but yourself the next time a character using these macros and keybindings "rolls" you in PvP.





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The Basics of Class Necessities

So, you just started playing World of Warcraft. Or maybe you're learning everything you need to know about the game while you play right now. Maybe you've been playing for a few months or even years. I don't really care how long you've been playing the game; the odds are that you don't really know everything you need about your class and I'll tell you why I know this without actually seeing your account. First of all, almost no one knows enough about their own class. Sure, you have a few wins under your belt in PvP, but that's more because the other players are just as ignorant about the fundamentals as you are. Throw a bunch of beginners in a room and someone will come out on top…doesn't mean they are the best.

Okay, enough of the brow beating. I'm not trying to insult my fellow WoW fanatics by any means. In fact, what I'm really hoping to do here is to show you just how much you need help with your class. Whether you're a PvP fanatic or just a raiding pro, you probably don't have all the tools you need – the right gear, the epic class mount, or the right talent spec. Most people don't and that's why sites like ElitistGuide.com even exist in the first place. They know that there are people out there like yourself that don't know what they are doing and need a little help.

I stumbled across this little beauty a few days ago while I was looking up some information on playing as a Paladin. I have played almost every class in the game except the Paladin and to tell you the truth, I was growing really tired of trying to figure things out as I went along. I wanted to enjoy the game and have a few pointers to help me do so. That's how I came across Elitist Guide and how I learned that there are in fact people out there who know a lot more than me about this game. Yes, I was just as shocked as you…

So, I bought the Paladin guide and started to read about what I should be doing. Of course, I knew the basics more or less, but I didn't know the exact talent specs to start with or the gear to be specing towards. I didn't know how to defeat a Druid in PvP (and these strategies downright work, trust me there). Basically, I learned the few things I didn't know, reinforced what I thought I already knew and am now in the process of rotating between destroying opponents in PvP and backing up tanks in raids depending on what kind of mood I'm in when I log in. This Paladin is now one of my favorite characters and without sounding too much like a cliché, it's all thanks to ElitistGuide.com. Trust me in this – you should definitely check it out if you can.





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Cataclysm Scalper Reviewed – Is it Worth It?

For the last few weeks I've been seeing a lot of buzz about the new gold guide on the market from Jonathan. It's called Cataclysm Scalper and it's been built around a few very simple ideas that we've seen many times before – most of them dealing with the Auction House.

By now, you should know that the only real way to make gold in World of Warcraft is to use the Auction House to trade goods based on economic conditions. This isn't new and a lot of good guides have been written showing players how to take advantage of the tools and add-ons out there that analyse the auction house.

But with the Undermine Journal now defunct and with other guides failing to update or adapt to post-cataclysm changes, a lot of us were looking for something new to take on the mantle of "ultimate auction house guide." Cataclysm Scalper hoped to do that and has mostly succeeded.

What Cataclysm Scalper Does Right

The reason I can so highly recommend Cataclysm Scalper is that it actually SHOWS you almost everything you need to know to be effective in the game making gold. You get the text descriptions and walkthroughs, but you also get a series of images and videos, plus a slew of tools that show you how to develop your own spreadsheets, charts and diagrams to track prices and choose the right items to buy.

I've never seen it done before and probably for good reason – it looks like a lot of work. But, it's absolutely successful in that you now have every tool you need to be effective making gold. If you're like me and are tired of old, unupdated guides trying to tell you what to do, get over to Cataclysm Scalper.





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Cataclysm Gold Hot Spots

Right now, World of Warcraft has just undergone a major upheaval. Not only are there five new zones filled with profitable end-game content, but every zone from Level 1-60 has been completely overhauled too, leaving players with dozens of new places and methods to farm for gold. So, if you're looking for a way to make a profit on the fly, you need a strategy to help you get there. Here are some hot spots along the path.

Twilight Highlands Farming
First up is the big daddy of Cataclysm farming – Twilight Highlands. Once you reach Level 85 and finish the quest chains here, you'll be able to access pretty much anything you need in this one zone. You will find Volatile Fire outside the Bastion of Twilight as well as just west of the Maw of Madness, Volatile Earth east of Thundermar, and Volatile Water north of the Bastion of Twilight and west of Dragonmaw Port. You will also find a lot of Embersilk drop spots in the Dunward Ruins and near the Elementium Depths. Finally, there are Highland Elk here who drop Savage Leather at higher than normal percentages.

Old World Overhauls
Don't forget too that the old world zones from Vanilla WoW have been overhauled completely, leaving a number of new hot spots for farming. Zul'Farrak can be flown over now and farmed for mageweave and silk cloth with ease. You'll also find some good drops in the newly revamped Feralas, as well as in Desolace's newly populated greenlands.

Building Your Ore Stock
The most obvious way to make gold in any expansion is by loading up on the new ores for mining. In Cataclysm, you will find Elementium and Obsidium Ore littered throughout the starting zones and Pyrium Ore along the rock walls and near the instance entrances of Twilight Highlands. If you're in Uldum, make sure to farm on Whiptail too as it is very much available in the areas around the river
You should also watch out for the lower than average population in Vashj'ir. While nowhere near empty, it is far less populated as a starting spot at 80 than Mount Hyjal and since players only need to choose one, it is a good option for gold farmers. Of course, that may change depending on your server population so make sure to check first.

If you like making gold, Cataclysm brought more methods than players have seen in a very long time. That should make you extremely excited so make sure to sit down, build your strategies and start farming. It's time to get rich.





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Do You Want to Join the Top Players of WoW?

You've seen them every day in World of Warcraft – the players whose characters seem to pull off impossible feats and do everything that they are supposed to far better than anyone else around them. There are the PvP enthusiasts whose characters can charge into a mass of enemy combatants and leave the field strewn with corpses behind them, while avoiding death with almost miraculous dexterity.
There are the tanks who can keep threat when thirty wild-eyed DPSers are unloading their whole arsenal onto a boss without any thought about aggro. There are the healers who keep their raid healed to the maximum through the most desperate fights without coming close to running out of mana. There are the hunters, rogues, mages, and shamans who top the damage charts and hit like a thunderstorm.
Now, with the arrival of IWinButtons – the most innovative, fresh, powerful guide that's hit the WoW scene since the release of the Cataclysm expansion – you can join these top players, and maybe even beat them at their own game!
Are you interested? You should be, because this is your opportunity to seize the chance to become one of the highest rated players of your server, a terror on the battlefield and a bulwark in the dungeon. This freshly released guide contains the secrets that are "hidden in plain sight", which will put you ahead of most other people in World of Warcraft, increasing your enjoyment of the game hugely!
How, you might ask, can one guide make such a huge difference in how your character performs in game? How can one collection of information, however well written, free your character from the mediocrity that burdens 95% of the toons in the game, and let you rocket into the top 5% in record time. Read on, and you will discover just how powerful, effective, and useful the IWinButtons guide really is – and how you can't afford to overlook the opportunity to get in on this guide NOW, and rise above being a speed bump for enemy PvP characters or the guy who is near the bottom of the charts on every raid group!
Macros and keybindings are two of the most powerful tools to boosting your character's performance into the stratosphere, but there's nothing in game to tell you how to use them. There's a vast body of knowledge out there, gathered by the top raiders and players of the world as they've worked out the macros that are best suited to producing victory in the shortest possible time.
IWinButtons gathers all the best of this macro and keybindings lore into one clear, value-laden package that spares you wading through endless reams of wacky, outdated, or just plain poor macros, and cuts to the chase – giving you the macros and keybindings that will turn your character into the hero you want them to be. There are tools here for every class and every spec, all tested to the utmost to make sure they deliver what you want and need – triumph in the most deadly dungeons and the most competitive arenas to be found in Azeroth today!





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Do You Want to Join the Top Players of WoW? Read more here …

You've seen them every day in World of Warcraft – the players whose characters seem to pull off impossible feats and do everything that they are supposed to far better than anyone else around them. There are the PvP enthusiasts whose characters can charge into a mass of enemy combatants and leave the field strewn with corpses behind them, while avoiding death with almost miraculous dexterity.
There are the tanks who can keep threat when 16 wild-eyed DPSers are unloading their whole arsenal onto a boss without any thought about aggro. There are the healers who keep their raid healed to the maximum through the most desperate fights without coming close to running out of mana. There are the hunters, rogues, mages, and shamans who top the damage charts and hit like a thunderstorm.
Now, with the arrival of Mad WoW Skills – the most innovative, fresh, powerful guide that's hit the WoW scene since the release of the Cataclysm expansion – you can join these top players, and maybe even beat them at their own game!
Are you interested? You should be, because this is your opportunity to seize the chance to become one of the highest rated players of your server, a terror on the battlefield and a bulwark in the dungeon. This freshly released guide contains the secrets that are "hidden in plain sight", which will put you ahead of most other people in World of Warcraft, increasing your enjoyment of the game hugely!
How, you might ask, can one guide make such a huge difference in how your character performs in game? How can one collection of information, however well written, free your character from the mediocrity that burdens 95% of the toons in the game, and let you rocket into the top 5% in record time. Read on, and you will discover just how powerful, effective, and useful the Mad WoW Skills system really is – and how you can't afford to overlook the opportunity to get in on this guide NOW, and rise above being a speed bump for enemy PvP characters or the guy who is near the bottom of the charts on every raid group!
Mad WoW Skills gathers all the best strategies into one clear, value-laden package that spares you wading through endless reams of wacky, outdated, or just plain poor macros, and cuts to the chase – giving you everything you would need to know to turn your character into the hero you want them to be. There are tools here for every class and every spec, all tested to the utmost to make sure they deliver what you want and need – triumph in the most deadly dungeons and the most competitive arenas to be found in Azeroth today!
And here's the best part. For a very limited time only, Alan Hunter the reclusive pro-gamer behind the system has decided to give out the entire package for an introductory $1 trial within the first 7 days of registering. Get in on this once in a lifetime deal before he decides to close the doors on the system that has helped over 10,000 players worldwide, and counting!





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Dominating PvP with Crowd Control

One of the biggest points of contention in PvP strategy is the use of crowd control. In low ranked matches, CC can make all the difference between victory and loss. However, for players who have been around for a while, the opponent's ability to respond instantly to any CC that is launched against them makes it harder to carry out a full scale freeze on someone's moves. So what should you do to develop your CC skills from the start so that you can take on nearly anyone with strength?

Know Your CC and their Breaks
One of the first things you need to do is learn all of your crowd control abilities. Every class and spec in the game has something they can use in these instances, even if it is not ideal. Of course, you may not always need to use. Sometimes, it just doesn't come up, but most of the time, even tanks and heavy melee DPS will use a lot of effects, even if they are just slows to keep their opponents in line. Another reason this is so good is because by learning all the CC abilities, you can recognize when a major threat presents itself against you in your opponent.

Be Unpredictable
Let's say you memorize the best CC rotations for your Ice Mage. That's all fine and good, but if your opponent knows the same rotations, they know how to respond to your moves. Instead of falling into that trap, be willing to throw off your normal rotation and be unpredictable. If they expect an Ice Block and you throw a Frost bolt instead, they won't be ready for it. Now, don't weaken yourself in combat – if you need to bubble or get back, do it, but don't rely too heavily on CC when you could throw your opponent off.

Save Your Cooldowns
If you have a powerful cooldown, don't blow it when it's not needed. This goes for Druids big time who have a number of roots and snares that can be used to disengage and heal during combat. If you use them up too early, though, but then need to heal, you'll be in deep water.

If you play the game correctly and are smart about how you develop your strategies in real time (never panic!) you'll be well setup for the final few moments of a close match, when good CC almost always makes the difference between the winners and losers.





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Does the Auction House Really Work Better than Farming?

You've probably heard rumors that the best way to make gold in World of Warcraft is to ditch all those tired old farming methods and load up on tips for the auction house. But, is that really true and if so what does the auction house require to be successful? After all, just throwing money at it probably won't convert to a whole lot of profit unless you get really lucky.

The Truth about the Auction House
To put it simply, yes the auction house is more profitable than farming…WAY more profitable. Let's put it this way. The most possible gold you will ever make in World of Warcraft from farming is roughly 1,200 gold an hour and that's if the servers are empty the prices are up and you're able to speed through high end zones at level 85 while farming.

But on the auction house, you can make 2,000 gold or more in a single trade if you find a good deal. Players who spend 1-2 hours a day looking for good deals are able to flip profits of 1,000% or more and never really get stuck farming.

Prepping for Auction House Use
To take advantage of these massive gold making opportunities you must first get some add-ons in place that will help gather data about the prices on your server. Auctioneer and Market Watcher are both good starts, while Postal can help you speed up the banking process. Once you've done that, scan the auction house daily to gather data and build your database. This will be used to help you generate long term profit potential from throughout the game's interface.

Making a TON of Gold
If you want to make a LOT of gold, you need to sit down and really learn how this thing works. That means measuring patch intervals, watching for major shifts in market consumption, working through faction trading in the Neutral Auction House and more. It's not just a single point and click activity. If it was, we'd all be rich.

If you want to make a few gold to cover your consumables and a few upgrades, farming will do just fine alongside your dailies. But, if you want to make so much gold that every player on the server will follow you around asking for tips, you need a head start and that will only come from the Auction House. So start building your strategies and look toward the future where massive profits are waiting for you.





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Duel Training and the Secret to PvP Victories

One of the first things I did when I reached Level 85 in World of Warcraft for the first time was login to the arena and take on a 3v3 team that quite literally obliterated my team. That simple fact wasn't too surprising. The characters changed a lot between 3.0 and 4.0 and I needed to adjust to new abilities and a new CC –focused style of combat.

But, the speed with which they beat us and the ability they showed to separate us and deliver direct, targeted hits to each class as though they knew exactly what we were each about to do was surprising. I couldn't keep up because they knew where we were going and when.

So, after we lost, I asked how they got so good. Duelling, they told me. They spent between 5 and 10 hours a week duelling each other and various other classes in Undercity, learning how to take on their opponents in surprising and incredibly effective new ways.

How to Use Duels to Your Advantage
Since then, I've spent a lot of time studying duelling and how it can help you in PvP. You've probably been told more than a few times that duelling is a good way to practice for any form of PvP, but have you actually done it? Probably not.

But, think about what duelling does for you. It allows you to quickly and easily generate powerful combos that work against specific shot rotations, memorize and respond to emotes that your opponents will use when casting, manage your CC better against trap heavy classes and learn how to interrupt some abilities and just absorb others.

It will take time to engrain those situations and strategies deeply within your mind, but you'll need them to be in there if you ever want to stand a chance of staying alive until the match is over. So, here's what I recommend.

Get a group of friends together (your arena or BG team) and go to a popular duelling spot for your faction. Now, commit to completing at least 5 duels every night before you do anything else. I don't care if there's new content on the servers – get out there and duel because without this highly valuable tool, you'll never stand a chance of getting the experience and quick reflexes you need to succeed in any form of PvP.





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Don't Miss Out on Your Chance to Get IWinButtons!

Some of our biggest successes come from seizing an opportunity at exactly the right moment. Whether it's in real life, taking a job opening with a lot of potential or speaking to a person we find attractive and intriguing, or in a video game like World of Warcraft, when we have a chance to roll on a rare piece of loot or join an exceptional arena team, a lot of situations that can be turned to our advantage only come up once in a very, very long time. Just like a warrior who has only a moment to stab at a chink in his foe's armor, taking advantage of these extremely rare "openings" can lead to one of life's most rewarding victories.
That's why I'm urging you not to hesitate about getting IWinButtons, the exciting, powerful new guide to some of WoW Cataclysm's best macros and keybindings – the ones that are used by the top raiders, arena champions, and achievement winners to get the astounding results they do. With these keybindings and macros, you can change your character from an anonymous face in the crowd into one of the legendary success stories of WoW.
Cataclysm changed the talent trees in a big way, as well as the way spells and abilities fit together into combinations. Although most of the talent trees have been hugely improved, and the addition of signature moves has helped to make each spec far more enjoyable at every level, it also takes a long time to figure out new rotations. If your fire mage now seems like he's fighting with a cigarette lighter, take a look at IWinButtons to see how well-chosen macros and keybindings can turn him back into a flamethrower.
That's why you need to get IWinButtons today – every minute that you spend playing without the amazing tools it offers to make your character into something special and to enhance your gameplay experience by making you feel stronger, more powerful, and more effective than ever before, is another minute that you're wasting playing the game far below its potential; another minute you spend being ganked helplessly in battlegrounds; another minute of being forgettable in raids, rather than getting invites and your pick of the prime loot.
Opportunity is here, knocking at your door, in the shape of the IWinButtons guide, and there's no reason to let time tick away without getting these incredible benefits for yourself! That's right – if you don't start using this guide today, you're just wasting time and losing out on all the enjoyment that you could be getting by doing so much better in battlegrounds, raids, and even just questing.
This remarkable guide includes only the best of the macros and keybindings for each class and spec – carefully researched, tested painstakingly to make sure they give you the twitch-fast response and high efficiency that these micro-programs bring to the game, and described clearly and thoroughly for you. Don't miss out on IWinButtons, 2011's most innovative World of Warcraft guide – get it today and start improving your game within the hour! Hurry – opportunities like this don't come along every day – or even every year!





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First New PvP Guide in Months

The other day, I got an email about a new PvP guide on the market. Unlike gold guides and levelling guides, there are not that many PvP guides out there. Most of them are a few years old and few of them get updated often if at all. So, the release of a new one is actually pretty big news around my parts. I get excited, because I'm interested in anything that helps me get an edge and let's face it, PvPers don't do a lot of writing on forums and it's really hard to keep up with the arena seasons.

Is It Any Good?

Of course, the big question isn't what the guide is, but whether it is any good. It's useless if the thing doesn't actually help anyone get anything done. Luckily, PvP Ownage is a solid guide that covers everything you could possibly need to know about PvP from start to finish.

To get started, you'll learn how to setup a team, find people who you like to play with and then choose the right class. You will then learn everything needed to excel with that class in PvP, including your spec, talents, abilities and shot rotations in 1v1 situations. You'll then learn about arena play and how to break down each arena matchup, followed by dozens upon dozens of strategies for the BGs and outdoor PvP areas of the game.

The Bottom Line

PvP Ownage is a great addition to a strong tradition of successful PvP guides. If you're anything like me and will take any chance to gain an edge in this business, you should check out PvP Ownage today. You'll find yourself prepped for just about anything that might come your way – whether in organized end-game PvP or through regular encounters on a PvP server.

You can check out more details about Terrance's guide here.

Full Disclosure: I am an affiliate for this product and receive a commission for sales made.





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Real work at home success without the hype

If you are as sick as I am of all the hyped up work at home sites on the internet and wish that someone would just cut out all the junk and give it to you straight, then you are going to love this...
There's this new website that I recently came across that blew me away.

And let me tell you now that it wasn't because it was some brand new, secret system that had just been discovered and was going to make me tons of money on autopilot...

It was because it wasn't...

These guys come straight out and tell you that what they have won't make you a millionaire in the next six months, won't double your money on autopilot and won't turn your computer into an ATM.

So what's so great about that?

What they do have is no-nonsense, straightforward training on what works and what doesn't when it comes to making money on the internet.

At last!

Someone who actually realizes that what we are actually looking for isn't some ridiculous system that claims to make us a fortune with no skills, experience or work. What we really want is a real way to make real money on the internet in the long term.

We want someone to come out and say look, heres what works and here's what doesn't. Here is all the training that you need to make money with the things that do work and here is how to avoid wasting time and money on the things that don't.

If this sounds like the kind of thing that might interest you then I highly recomend that you click here and check this out. It's great!





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Building the Ultimate WoW Gold Farming Tactics

I don't know about you, but farming for gold in World of Warcraft is not exactly a "fun" exercise. It's time consuming, more than a little boring and generally doesn't pay off very well. But, with the right tweaks, you can inject a little bit of entertainment into your gold farming and ensure you make a huge pile of the stuff for every minute you spend logged in.

Turn Farming into a Social Event
Most people think of farming in WoW and remember long hours spent waiting for a particular item to drop or clicking the same boring nodes over and over again. But, it doesn't have to be like that. Make a game of it and invite some friends.

You can go farming in instances too where you can bring three or four buddies and take out big time bosses on your way to find some of the best loot the game has to offer. I don't recommend you do this if you're aiming for 1,000+ gold an hour, but if you just want to kill time and make gold, it's the way to go.
Outsource to Other Farmers

Create a farming empire by outsourcing your gold making to other people. If you can get 5-10 other people on board farming for items that you can flip for a profit on the auction house, you'll instantly make a lot more gold than you would otherwise. How does it work?

First, advertise your mat buying services in a major city. Many players fresh off a farming trip will want to get rid of things fast. You need to offer fair prices, but they can be 20% below the common auction house sale prices and you'll still make a profit. Remember too that there is a standard auction house fee so you'll need to cover that.

Finally, you could just skip farming altogether. Don't feel like you need to go out and "earn" every gold piece you gather. The richest players in this game did it by building up their auction house prowess, not by farming endless mobs and profession nodes.

Farming in World of Warcraft will never be as much fun as taking down an epic 25 man boss with 100 million HP. But, it can be a lot more fun than sitting around and waiting for a fish to bite on your shiny bauble in Durotar. So, get in there, build a strategy that works and most of all, have some fun. This is a game after all.





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Five Add-Ons Every Gold Farmer in WoW Needs

In World of Warcraft there are a lot of ways to make gold but not all of them are very time efficient. If you want to make the big bucks and work your way toward the mythical 1 million gold cap, then you're going to want to install a few tools that will help you along your way. These add-ons will do just that.

1. Auctioneer – The classic auction house add-on is called Auctioneer and will provide the kind of long term strategy boost you need to be effective in all aspects of the AH. From daily scans to easy checks for low priced value goods to the extra built-in adds on like disenchantrix and bean counter, Auctioneer is a must have for any gold hound.
2. Auctionator – This add-on is very similar to Auctioneer, allowing players the ability to scan auctions and effectively research the different prices that each item will sell at in groups. Instead of single items, you'll see every stack currently selling at a given price range, allowing you to buy them all out at once.
3. Market Watcher – Another auction house scanner, Market Watcher allows you to research the values of specific items on a watch list which you can then plot and chart over a time period to see how those values rise and fall. There are websites with similar data charts, but Market Watcher lets you personalize your data more easily.
4. Postal – Postal is a tool to make your mailbox more efficient. It allows you to open more mail at once, access more mail when you have tons of incoming messages and expand the sending limits when transferring items and gold back and forth.
5. Gatherer – Gatherer allows you to create and follow plotted points across a major zone to find verified ore and herb nodes. This also works for fishing and skinning, though the data is not nearly as accurate with either of those professions as with the two main gathering profs.

With these tools, you'll be well on your way toward the massive piles of gold you've always dreamed of. Of course, you'll still want to learn how to use those tools effectively, and that is going to require a decent amount of additional work spread out over the course of a few weeks or months, but for now, just getting everything installed is a good start.




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From Skeptic to Enthusiast – My Review of Mad WoW Skills

Let's face the facts - whether you are a casual or hardcore player, getting ahead in the World of Wacraft will not be easy - anyone remember how insanely difficult it was back in the early days of The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King? Even if you plan to spend a lot of time playing, you'll soon realize that you will not be getting anywhere fast a proper strategy or the right team setup.
This is exactly what Mad WoW Skills is going to address, and you will find that this no holds barred blueprint written by Alan Hunter, an expert authority on all things WoW and raid leader of one of the best PvE Guild in the world, reveals the blueprint to total domination for practically every aspect of the game. Incredibly comprehensive and masterfully written, Mad WoW Skills tackles every topic imaginable in its quest to get you to exactly where you want to be in the game.
Among the chapters include the basic, yet vital, need-to-know stuff, such as the raiding fundamentals every raider should know, complete class guides, detailed and comprehensive walkthroughs for every instance in the game and so much more.
To wrap up our review of Mad WoW Skills, it must be mentioned that this Guide is written to appeal to players of all skill levels, making it a wonderful change from other guides on the market that seem to be tailored solely for players who already have all the basics covered. With this guide, you will be able to learn a ton of tips and tricks that will help you cultivate the skills needed to become a top level raider, PvP, gold-making tycoon and all-round player.
PS: If you head over to the Mad WoW Skills site, you will be greeted by Alan revealing his limited introductory trial of the program for just $1. That's right, I'm not sure if he's lost his mind or it's a clever marketing ploy, but for a limited time only, the lucky few who sign up for the program will get to experience everything the system has to offer for the dirt low price of just $1.





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Five Tips to Faster, Better PvP

PvP is one of the most midunderstood aspects of World of Warcraft. There are thousands of players but most of them are the same as started six years ago because everyone thinks it is too hard to get involved after so many years of build-up. Yes, the entry curve is steep, but with the right strategies, there are quite a few things you can pull off. Here are five example tips to help you get underway.

1. Find a Team to Work With
Step one is to find a team that you can get to know and develop strategies with. It takes time and energy to be successful with any one time, so make sure you like them, you all have a similar schedule, can use voice chat, and are capable of discussing your matches before and after going into PvP. The more you can build up rapport with your team and develop long term strategies, the better off you will be.

2. Watch Top Matches on YouTube
YouTube is littered with top matches in PvP. You'll find people who have played in top level matches at arena nationals or world championships, Blizzcon showdowns and just plain good matches. Learn the nick names of those people who excel in PvP and look for matches that have been dubbed with play by play to help you understand what is happening on screen. HD recordings are good too.

3. Create a Shot Rotation Spreadsheet
Don't just learn your shot rotations against each potential opponent (you should have at least 10 – one for each class). Write them down and use them each day to develop a strong long term strategy that can be used over and over again when it is needed. That doesn't mean to fall into a static strategy that can be guessed or countered easily, but like any sport, if you master fundamentals, the rest will come without thinking.

4. Be Willing to Ask Questions
If you play a team that destroys you, don't be afraid to ask them how they did it. Some people won't tell you, but others will gladly share their strategies (to a certain degree),especially if you are a gracious loser.

5. Practice with Multiple Classes
Don't just one your own level 85 to practice in PvP. Get used to using between 2-5 different classes and learning how they work. The only real way to know what your opponent is likely to do next is to have played as them yourself.

If you do these five things, you will have a fundamentally better understanding of how the PvP system in World of Warcraft works and what it takes to be among the best in the game. So, get out there, practice and more than anything, start learning.





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How to Give A Better Wedding Toast Speech

The toast is a very important moment in the reception, it represents a bond, a trust and a blessing for the couple from a close and beloved relative or friend. However the mix of alcohol, music, nerves and partying can sometimes lead to a less than favorable speech. Or perhaps you just don't even know where to begin in the first place. Not the best writer? Don't worry about it, here are some tips that will make sure your speech is priceless.

Keep it short
Long speeches, no matter how good, intriguing or touching, will cause some of your guests to fade out and lose interest. If you keep it brief you'll have a better chance of maintaining the interest of all the guest as well as staying on track in your speech and remaining focused. An unfocused speech can trail off on a million tangents and sound like a senseless murmuring. Get to the point, make it and then raise your glass. Short and sweet is always better than long and winding.

Avoid embarrassing stories and inside jokes
While these might be funny to you and your friend or relative they won't be to everyone else who isn't in on the joke or those who are the ones who were embarrassed in the story. It is not the time or place for embarrassment so leave it out. No inside jokes because you want people to feel included and if they don't understand the message they won't be included and then they might actually think you are ridiculous.

Do not insult anyone
No making fun of or belittling anyone! If you don't like your friend or family member's other half that's fine but don't express it on the grand stage of their wedding. There is a time and place for that but this is not it. Especially do not make fun of or insult the bride. This is her day. If you don't have anything nice to say about either the bride or groom then don't say anything at all. Keep the speech nice and pleasant, this will not only please the guests and happy couple but also keep your butt safe from being jumped after the reception.

Speak slowly and clearly
There's nothing worse than being able to hear or understand a person. If you speak too fast your entire message will be lost. If you mumble your speech will be lost. Speak slowly and clearly so that everything you are trying to express will be heard and understood.

End it on a high note
Finish off the speech on a positive note. Make it light and sweet or deep and heartfelt but keep it on a good and happy notion. You want the couple and the rest of the guests to be smiling at the end not glaring at you or looking away with questionable frowns. Raise your glass and ask everyone else to, then say your final line and drink up. That's it, you made it through your speech!





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Horror Wedding Toasts

Giving a wedding toast is a customary part of a wedding reception for fathers and if the bride and groom wish, anyone else who wishes to make a statement and share their well wishes.
However sometimes this time honored tradition takes a sour turn and the toaster ends up making himself look like a complete idiot. The worst part? It's all caught on film and there are most likely photos to go with that. Here are some tips on what not to do in order to make it through your wedding toast not only alive but in good standing.
If you plan on giving a toast then limit your alcohol consumption prior to toasting time. Alcohol has this funny effect on most people of making them look and act obnoxiously, slur their words and say things they probably shouldn't. After the toast go ahead and drink up but do yourself a favor by having some water before you get up to speak.
Telling the truth is great but there is even a time and place for that and this may not be the time to tell the groom you can't stand him, that you accidentally killed the family cat or reveal that the maid of honor is having an affair. This is not about you, it's about the couple's happiness, make sure that remains the topic of your toast.
Keep it short. There may be others who want to toast as well and there are a lot of other items to fit into the night. Save everyone's ears by making it brief.
Watch your sense of humor, it may not sit well with others and some may even be offended by it. Funniness is great, but only in the appropriate context and time.





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From Skeptic to Enthusiast – My Review of IWinButtons

If you're like I am, then when you hear that a new guide for World of Warcraft Cataclysm has come out, and is the best thing since sliced bread (or perhaps Darnassus Marzipan), then you are inclined to take it with a grain of salt. I have only occasionally seen a guide live up to its hype in every way. Which is why I was very pleasantly surprised by IWinButtons – A Definitive Guide to Macros and Keybinds, which really does deliver powerful, effective techniques for improving your game and being a lot more successful at whatever part of it you prefer to do – or all of at once, if you're good at multitasking.
IWinButtons is the first guide that I'm aware of to tackle the subject of macros and keybindings head on, and to do so with impressive professionalism and style. This is no ivory tower theorizing, but a compilation of dozens – probably hundreds – of macros and keybindings which are not only up to date with the latest developments in WoW, but have actually been stress tested in some of the game's most dangerous arenas and raids, honed, and proven to be effective.
Although it's true that you could eventually discover some fairly similar macros and keybindings by searching on the Internet, this is time consuming and will return a lot of very low quality results – with no indication as to which advice is good, and which isn't.
The macros and keybindings in the IWinButtons guide were clearly carefully chosen and tested, because I haven't found a "clunker" in the lot yet. The guide covers all classes, a host of different situations (PvE questing, dungeons, raiding, battlegrounds, arenas), and even shows you what to avoid when setting up your macros and keybindings.
One of the things that impressed me most consistently about IWinButtons is that the the guide isn't just focused narrowly on one or two aspects of the game (say, PvP or raiding), but is very broad in its coverage of topics, while still managing to look at each individual area with the depth you need to really learn the techniques.
The author avoids both the temptation to use obscure terminology to get his points across, and the equally large temptation to oversimplify in the name of making the guide accessible. The guide is highly accessible without being "dumbed down", and as a player of the game, I appreciate that the writer has made the guide clear and easy to understand, but also doesn't talk to me like I'm a slow-witted murloc. It's useful, interesting, and well written, and strikes a number of balances very successfully.
Although no product is perfect, I have no hesitation in recommending IWinButtons to anyone who wants to make their character far more effective than they will be if you keep limping along with clicking and a few half-worthwhile macros. The guide delivers amply on its promises and will help to improve your game – probably hugely – regardless of whether you're interested in PvE, PvP, or a mix of both.





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How to Improve Your Gameplay with Macros in WoW Cataclysm

Macros are among the most useful in-game tools to be found in World of Warcraft Cataclysm, and you owe it to yourself – and your enjoyment of the game – to learn how to use them and which ones are most appropriate for each situation your character finds themselves in. There are many different ways that macros and carefully arranged keybindings can improve your gameplay, as well as making your play experience less frustrating when dealing with challenging content.
Player versus player (PvP) situations are one of the most obvious places where macros are indispensable. Everything happens very fast in PvP, with sudden rushes of enemies, spikes of damage to deal with, targets moving in and out of range unpredictably, and a host of other factors. If you try to cope with these rapidly changing fights by clicking on spell or ability buttons, or even rely purely on keybindings, you will find yourself dithering helplessly at many moments that need a powerful, instantaneous response.
Macros help vastly in PvP by increasing your reaction time and letting your character execute short but complex sequences of casting or other actions smoothly and effectively every time. For example, a elemental shaman can benefit greatly from a macro which casts Flame Shock on the target, then immediately begins casting Lava Burst, without you needing to search for and click on two separate keys.
Macros can also be immensely helpful in player versus environment (PvE) circumstances. In heroic dungeons and raid dungeons, split second reactions are often needed by both tanks and healers in order to keep their group alive when fighting some perilous foe. A macro to Power Word: Shield then immediately begin casting a large heal can save your tank's life, for just one of many examples.
Damage is also boosted by the use of well-designed macros, because they let your character fire off spells or attacks at a much higher rate, and smoothly carry out potent combinations or rotations that would need steely concentration and fingers as quick and sure as lightning to carry out successfully even part of the time without the use of a macro.
Of course, the most difficult part of using macros is figuring out how to write them and what to have them do. The player is no longer left to sift through oceans of dubious or poorly thought out macro advice on the Internet, however – with the advent of IWinButtons, a highly innovative guide which explores both macros and keybindings in great detail for all classes and specs of WoW characters, there is a superb resource for choosing and using the macros that will make your character far more powerful and effective in the game.





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How to Give a Good Wedding Speech

Wedding speeches are an integral part of all weddings. While preparing and giving a wedding speech you need to keep certain points in mind. A wedding speech has to be light-hearted yet heart warming at the same time. A wedding is a very important occasion and to have chosen to give a speech on such an occasion is a big responsibility. Excitement, joy and freshness symbolize a wedding and so your speech should be in keeping with these emotions. You don't want to give a bad speech and ruffle feathers right? So you need to keep the following points in mind while going about it:

• Don't give a very long speech. Since you are not the only one who's going to be giving a speech you need to remember to keep it short. You have to hold the people's attention and so don't just go on speaking! Don't exceed 5 or 6 minutes and if you are writing it down then keep it around 500-800 words. However don't keep it too short or else the people present there will think you are in a hurry and you are giving the speech just for the sake of it! Minimum 4 minutes.
• Make it funny. Humour is an important element of wedding speeches. You have to make listening to your speech an enjoyable rather than a boring task. So don't forget to add the humour element in your speech. However don't go overboard with your jokes and one-liners. You don't want to end up hurting anybody's feelings especially on this day! So keep the mood light-hearted yet keep it sane too.
• Don't forget to thank everyone! One of the most important aspects of wedding speeches is expressing your gratitude to a lot of people. If you are the groom then don't forget to thank the bride's family, your family and your friends and ofcourse all the guests present there. If you are the best man then thank all the guests present there and thank the groom for choosing you as his best man.
• Personalize it. You need to make your speech sound personal too. An impersonal speech may give the impression that you just picked up some speech from the internet and you couldn't care less about the occasion. So THAT is a big no. So if you are the groom then remember to add those pleasant memories you had with your bride or her family or your friends present there. Likewise for the bride/groom's parents or the best man.
• Enjoy yourself! Last but not the least you have to enjoy yourself while giving the speech since only then will you be able to give a near perfect speech! If you are giving a speech then you are either the bride or groom or you are someone who is important for them. So this wedding has to be a big deal for you! And it shouldn't be a problem to enjoy the wedding and this speech. So go out there and have a good time and let them know how much this whole affair means to you!

So keep all these points in mind and you will always be remembered for the memorable speech that you give on this happy day.





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Restaurant chains want to kill this guy

Sales have been slowing at national restaurant chains like Red Lobster, TGI Fridays, and the Cheesecake Factory recently due to the increase in gas prices.

To make matters worse, more and more people are discovering that they can save money by making their favorite restaurant dishes at home following the step by step instructions of Master Chef Ron Douglas.

The so called "secret recipes" of these billion dollar restaurants have now been exposed and shared with the world in the cooking instructional guide "America's Restaurant Recipes."
Douglas is facing major pressure to take down his site and discontinue all sales of his secret recipe cookbooks. But he continues to thumb his nose at the greedy restaurant executives in support of the budget constrained home cook.

Anyone looking to duplicate their favorite restaurant recipes should pick up "America's Restaurant Recipes" now before it's forced off the market. Go to:

Finally you can:

- Stop waiting on those long lines at restaurants to pay for dishes you can quickly make in your own kitchen!

- Re-create your favorite restaurant dishes at home for a fraction of the cost by following these easy step-by-step instructions.

- Get kudos and praise from friends and family members when they find out you actually made these delicious dishes yourself!

- Uncover the cooking techniques used by world class chefs from famous restaurants.

Discover the secrets to making your favorite restaurant recipes at home





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Learning How to Become an Elite WoW Gamer

If you play or are planning on playing World of Warcraft and doing well, it's time to take a minute to gain some much needed knowledge of the game. Players new to the game could do much worse than giving Mad WoW Skills a glance right now.
Mad WoW Skills is a simple, no-nonsense approach to showing you simple ways to be a better World of Warcraft Gamer. It's a manual that readers will find useful from start to finish.
Mad WoW Skills will let you in on all the secrets of achieving an overall better score. For starters, you can't begin to play before you know the basics. Knowing what equipment will be needed for your game is the first step to perfection. Then you need to know how to use it. The fundamentals of the game must first be learned in order to be a great World of Warcraft Gamer.
One of the first topics discussed in Mad WoW Skills is what servers to choose ... races, classes, professions and more. Without getting this right, it is more difficult to attain your goals and play from start to finish.
Also widely discussed in this revolutionary system is commom problems and common mistakes. If we know what the most common mistakes are in the game, we can take steps to correct those mistakes and extend that pride throughout our game.
Common obstacles are also tackled Mad WoW Skills Because World of Warcraft is such a complicated – yet easy – game, you may find yourself in some situations that seem impossible to get out of. They can be frustrating and can add to you not progressing. The Mad WoW Skills system covers some of the troubles encountered and ways that you can approach them.
Lastly, Mad WoW Skills provides valuable tips to gain the skills needed for the ultimate World of Warcraft experience.
Initially priced at an attractive $17 a month, Alan Hunter is currently offering Mad WoW Skills at grand introductory offer of only $1 dollar, offering readers a chance to see what the hype is all about before actually going through with purchasing the whole product. Readers can also enjoy a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee whenever they sign up for the Mad WoW Skills experience.
Buyers will be taken to a special members area where they can take a look at the dozens of videos and finely written tutorials on all aspects of the game imaginable. Sign up now at their website to see what the huge deal is and why so many people are hopping on the Mad WoW Skills bandwagon now before the $1 offer is taken down for good. You have been warned!





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Is WoW Crusher All It's Cracked Up To Be?

Every now and then a new guide hits the market that captures a niche or hole in information that no other guide has yet covered. Recently, I had a chance to sit down with just such a guide; the incredibly detailed new monthly guide being released by the folks over at WoW Crusher.
The idea is simple. You pay a small upfront fee for full access to a past library that holds a treasure trove of information and every month, for $17 you get the newest guide in the series.
Each guide comes with PvP strategies, recent news in the game, class strategies, recent gold making options, action plans, and information that is as up to date as it comes, written as often as it is.
You also get a nice bonus in the form of an Action Plan that guides even the noobs among you to build an account from the ground up to be as effective as the pros out there.
What WoW Crusher does is nothing short of astounding, creating a new product that allows users of all skill levels to start out with nothing and build their way up to pro status every month with sharp, pointed strategy guides.
It's not a select guide – you don't get a leveling guide or a gold guide or PvP guide alone. But, unlike the guys offering those guides, you get information that isn't three months old and mostly nerfed. You get info as it is added to the game and you get strategies that no one else has seen yet. I was astounded at how much information is included each month in these guides.
To top things off, the guide writers – Markco Polo and Kevin Richardson – are the geniuses behind the #1 Gold-Making site on the internet (JustMyTwoCopper and the authoritative PvP guide, unsurprisingly titled PvP Ownage (respectively), making them the best possible sources for all the top new info in the game.
You can't get much better than the best around in PvP and the best around in gold making. If you're looking for the next big thing in Warcraft guides, this is it folks – don't miss out on WoW Crusher.





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The More Things Change….

Since the first PvP content was added to World of Warcraft in the Vanilla patches, it has been either a sore spot or the best option for enjoying World of Warcraft's rich class system. You either hate or you love it, but no matter what your opinion, it's freaking hard and that hasn't changed one little bit since it was first introduced with Alterac Basin and Warsong Gulch five years ago.

Fast forward half a decade and WoW's PvP is STILL hard, and now there are so many more options with different brackets, new classes, new abilities, and plenty of team variations that make it nearly impossible to know what you'll face when you turn up for a new match.

Toss in the prevalence of PUGs lately and you have a hard aspect of the game being made even HARDER when you try to take people on directly.

So, if you're anything like me, the chance to get at least as little ahead with the help of a new strategy guide is very enticing and that's exactly what's happening right now with the release of PvP Ownage. Terrance Williams has pulled out all the stops to cover all the basics of PvP from group creation to duelling strategies and multiple walkthroughs of multiple BGs in a game that is overflowing with opportunities for players all over the globe.

I won't lie to you. Even with a guide, PvP is not easy. It will drain you of energy and probably leave you with a sore wrist and stiff fingers, but when you figure out the hard stuff and can start playing the game at the top tier, you'll quickly find that PvP is incredibly rewarding too. That's what you gain with a guide like PvP Ownage. There's no way for a text guide to show you exactly how to win any one match – this is PvP after all – but you won't get much closer than Terrance does with his epic strategy tome.






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Make No Mistake. Is WoW Crusher A Scam or Legit?

If you're like I am, then when you hear that a new guide for World of Warcraft Cataclysm has come out, and is the best thing since sliced bread (or perhaps Darnassus Marzipan), then you are inclined to take it with a grain of salt. I have only occasionally seen a guide live up to its hype in every way. Which is why I was very pleasantly surprised by WoW Crusher, which really does deliver powerful, effective techniques for improving your game and being a lot more successful at whatever part of it you prefer to do – or all of at once, if you're good at multitasking.

WoW Crusher is the first guide that I'm aware of to tackle all areas of the game head-on with incredible professionalism and style. This is the real deal. a compilation of hundreds of pages, dozens of detailed videos and the most detailed tutorials on the internet.

It is not only up-to-date with the latest developments in WoW, but has actually been put to the test in some of the game's most demanding arenas and raids by the legendary duo of Markco and certified PvP pro Kevin Richardson.
Also included in the guide is the revolutionary WoW Crusher add-on that houses the most current and cutting-edge builds in the game. It is fully automated and legal, so you don't have to worry about getting in the crosshairs of Blizzard.

One of the things that impressed me most consistently about WoW Crusher is that it isn't just focused narrowly on one or two aspects of the game (say, PvP or raiding), but is very broad in its coverage of topics, while still managing to look at each individual area with the depth you need to really learn the techniques.

The author avoids both the temptation to use obscure terminology to get his points across, and the equally large temptation to oversimplify in the name of making the guide accessible.
The guide is highly accessible without being "dumbed down", and as a player of the game, I appreciate that the writer has made the guide clear and easy to understand, but also doesn't talk to me like I'm a slow-witted murloc.
It's useful, interesting, and well written, and strikes a number of balances very successfully.

Although no product is perfect, I have no hesitation in recommending WoW Crusher to anyone who wants to make their character far more effective than they will be if you keep limping along with clicking and a few half-worthwhile macros.
The guide delivers amply on its promises and will help to improve your game – probably hugely – regardless of whether you're interested in PvE, PvP, gold-making or a mixture of everything thrown in.





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You know how you said you wanted to make some extra cash from home? Well, I thought you should check this out...

The thing is, this is not some new wild scheme - it is a massive Work From Home jobs site with thousands of real work at home jobs that make you real money from home, week in, week out. It works for me...I'm sure it could work for you, too:

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Okay, So There’s Another Gold Guide…

For a long time, whenever there was a new gold guide on the market, we'd all get very excited and run out to see what it had to offer. Then, we started to see that most of the guides were just rewrites of each other. No one was coming up with anything original. So, now when I see a new one hit the market, let's just say I'm a little sceptical. How many ways can you tell people to use Auctioneer?

As it turns out, at least one more. The newest gold guide to hit the market, courtesy of Jonathan is called Cataclysm Scalper and is already driving a LOT of buzz due to its original, intricate approach to gold farming and auction house control – the kind of things that we've read a hundred times but never seen done this well.

What makes this guide so different than EVERY other guide on the market? To start with, it actually provides tools to help you in your endeavour. Most gold guides tell you what to do with vague descriptions, but Jonathan has gone out of his way to provide a step by step walkthrough of everything he does in the game to make gold.

He's taken it another step further and provided templates for spreadsheets, lists, charts and diagrams, the kind of stuff that even the gold gurus tend to hold on to rather than give away to anyone that asks.

So, does Cataclysm Scalper deserve to join the ranks of gold guides that are actually valuable? In my opinion it does. It's polished, it's accurate, and above all else, it works. If you're looking for the next big gold guru to show you how to get things done in this game, this is your opportunity. Check it out at the link below.





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Okay, So There’s Another WoW Guide…

For a long time, whenever there was a new World of Warcraft guide on the market, we'd all get very excited and run out to see what it had to offer. Then, we started to see that most of the guides were just rewrites of each other. No one was coming up with anything original. So, now when I see a new one hit the market, let's just say I'm a little sceptical. How many ways can you tell people to not stand in the fire or ways to use Auctioneer?
As it turns out, at least one more. The newest and greatest guide to hit the market, courtesy of Alan is called WoW Mad Skills and is already driving a LOT of buzz due to its original, intricate approach to Auction House contro, ball-busting PvP strategies and the most elaborate raid walkthroughs– the kind of things that we've read a hundred times but never seen done this well.
What makes this guide so different than EVERY other guide on the market? To start with, it actually provides tools to help you in your endeavour. Most guides out there tell you what to do with vague descriptions, but Alan has gone out of his way to provide a step by step walkthrough of everything he does to get ahead in the game.
He's taken it another step further and provided templates for spreadsheets, lists, charts and diagrams, the kind of stuff that even the gold gurus tend to hold on to rather than give away to anyone that asks.
So, does WoW Mad Skills deserve to join the ranks of classics like Warcraft Millionaire, the Dugi's and Zygor's and Warcraft Conquest that are actually valuable? In my opinion it does. It's polished, it's accurate, and above all else, it works. If you're looking for the next big guru to show you how to get things done in this game, this is your opportunity.





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PvP Is Hard…What’s New?

Hey guys – I wanted to write a little bit about PvP today because it doesn't come up often around here. We all love World of Warcraft, but the majority of us never set our eyes on the PvP content because it's so hard, we need to dedicate so much time to it, and let's face it, at least in a raid, you only lose a set number of times before you pull out a victory.

So, it's not surprising that there are so many people who scoff at PvP, even when a guide or website comes out that offers to help make the whole ordeal a little easier. This time around, that boost is in the form of PvP Ownage and it's only available through Terrance's website at AFFILIATE LINK. I have only been peeking through the guide now for a few days and haven't read nearly everything in there (we're talking hundreds of pages!), but the results I've seen are already impressive.

Basically, here's what happens. No guide can show you how to win every match. It's like Karate. You can learn Karate, but when you step into the ring, you still need to make the right moves and be stronger than your opponent. In World of Warcraft, the same is true. You can read the guide, but if you don't take Terrance's lessons to heart, you'll never hit the high water point you're aiming for – the pinnacle of the arenas and battlegrounds.

So, he starts with basics, then goes through every class in the game, complete with talent trees, masteries, ability breakdowns and step by step shot rotations for every potential opponent – that means 100 rotation strategies. That's just the start though. Soon enough you'll turn to the Arena and the various strategies that can get you through the content there, plus step by step walkthroughs of each battleground and outdoor PvP zone.

In short, if you want to be good in World of Warcraft, this is the content you should be reading for PvP. Check it out here.

Full Disclosure: I am an affiliate for this product and receive a commission for sales made.






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Preparation for the Greatest Best Man Speeches

If you're the best man in a wedding your first thought probably goes to the all out crazy bachelor party you want to plan and how much fun that night will be. That is all fine and dandy, however as best man you also have other duties and responsibilities to fill in order to help your best friend get married and enjoy the biggest day of this life. One of these important duties is the speech at the reception. As every sits down for dinner you will be asked to say a few words to the newlyweds expressing your love, excitement and joy for seeing your friend in this wonderful relationship. While you can say whatever you would like here are some guidelines to make sure your speech is perfect, you don't get so nervous you bite your tongue and the couple looks at you affectionately after you finish instead of wanting to rip your head off because you just revealed all their secrets (it's happened!).

Think of it as your day
If you were the one getting married what would you want your buddy to say to you? Think of it this way and you'll have a starting place to begin brainstorming some ideas about what you would like to speak about.
Pick a topic
Is there a really funny story you want to share? How about how you guys met? Your first impressions of the bride or the groom when he met her? Or just how you feel about the couple or groom in general? There are a million things you might consider mentioning so choose a topic to focus on and go with that. If you try to fit everything into one speech you may just end up getting lost and lose the audience's attention as well.
Jot down some notes
Once you've decided what you're talking about make an outline of sorts by taking down some notes to help you get through the speech. You can put these on an index card and keep it in your pocket on the wedding day to refresh your memory as needed.
Practice ahead of time
Even if you plan on ad-libbing the entire speech it's a good idea to practice ahead of time as your nerves may get the best of you and you'll end up tongue-tied. Stand in front of a mirror and talk to it as if you were talking to a room full of people. The more you practice what you plan on saying the more natural it will become, thus expelling any nerves you might have.
Keep it PG
While you may have had a wild time in Cabo in college now probably isn't the time to bring up any incidents that happened there. Keep the speech PG whether or not there are children around. Some family members (not to mention the bride and groom themselves) may not know everything about the couple and would like to keep it that way. Toast, don't roast!





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The Secret 7 Tips To Get Ahead In The World of Warcraft.

For those of you who are new to the World of Warcraft experience, the game can be very daunting and complex at first. The key thing to remember is this. Everyone started as a beginner once, so don't feel discouraged if you feel underwhelmed or outplayed by every single player you meet in your leveling efforts from level 1 to 85.
Here are a few golden tips that will ease your leveling experience and the best guide out there with the most comprehensive and current strategies on the game.
#1. Make sure you autoloot everything you see as the grey items which look like they won't benefit you but you can always sell to make some gold by selling them to the vendor. An easy way to autoloot everything is to go into your WoW settings and check the box that says "Turn on autoloot". That way you can just right click and it will automatically pick up everything at once.
#2. Whenever you are in a new town or area pick up all the quests that you possibly can and do them all at once instead of trying to do them one at a time. This will help you out so much and will make leveling a lot faster.
#3. Get used to doing instances. By the time you hit level 60 you will want to already be good at getting groups together for all the 5 man instances. Best time to start on your grouping skills is ASAP. Lowbie instances can be fun and give you some practice that you would need.
#4. Take the time to know your class inside out. This may seem like a no-brainer but more often than not most people ignore this basic fact. You are advised to take the time to research and fully understand your class at a very early stage. This is especially true on a PvP server.
#5. Make friends in-game as soon as possible. It is always more fun to do group stuff with friends and then you won't have to worry about people ninja looting items from bosses in instances. This can be dangerous to some as well since it makes you want to play more often and can sometimes lead to World of Warcraft addiction.
#6. Get two gathering professions at the beginning. That way you can sell items such as copper ore, etc. and make tons of gold that will help you along the way through your leveling and so you will always have enough gold to learn new spells/abilities as well as your mount.
#7. Get familiarized with WoW addons and macros. These will ultimately help save you tons of time and with doing repetative tasks. Also when you hit level 70 you will have to have some macros for raiding. It just makes great sense to use them and know how to use them ASAP.
Last but not least, if you want to get ahead in the game and master everything in the fastest time, guaranteed, make sure you take a look at Mad WoW Skills, the latest and greatest WoW guide in the market right now.
Written by the legendary underground gamer Alan Hunter, he has made the controversial move to release the guide at a mind-numbingly cheap $1 free trial offer. You read that right. For a limited time only, Alan is giving out his Mad WoW Skills blueprint, virtually free, to the first 2000 people to sign up. Give it a test drive today and remember that your investment is secured for the first 7 days, during which you can choose to seek a refund of your one dollar should you feel that the content and information is not up to snuff.





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The Right Kind of Warcraft Guide

World of Warcraft is a land of elites. It's just the way it is. The game has been online for the last six years and some players have been playing the whole time, pretty much destroying anyone in their path to become the best around. So, it's no surprise that people look for new guides all the time to help them get better and bump up to par with the top pros out there. Luckily, every now and then a guide actually comes along that can help you do that – becoming a top player in a land of elites. This time around, that new guide is WoW Crusher.

To be honest, WoW Crusher isn't a single guide. It's a ton of guides, with a new one added to the mix every month. I reviewed the first couple of months for this review and they were top notch content. Each guide was 30 pages long and included three features, top news from the month, questions from readers, an action plan and a preview of the next month. Each feature was full of useful content that was designed to do just about anything you needed it to – from building up a powerful play through strategy for a Death Knight to creating a 10 man raiding group. It's not hyper specific information, but it's a heck of a lot more than the general strategies you get from the existing guides on the market.

To top things off, you get a whole bunch of extras with the guide. The first extra was the Fast Track Action Plan that Markco and Kevin provide. It's a guideline that helps players figure out how to put together a good WoW account. Basically, it includes everything from an outline of how to build a character, choose your UI and the right class and professions to how to get into a guild, start up PvP and go about raiding. Essentially, it's a route to stop making so many silly mistakes as you play through the game – a great tool for beginners and something even a few veterans could probably benefit from.

In the end, WoW Crusher is a great new product that provides something I've never seen before in a WoW product. It is updated every month with a new ebook and all for a decent monthly fee with information about pretty much every aspect of the game not just a couple of select areas.






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The State of Gold Farming in World of Warcraft

For the majority of the last few years, players have been told over and over again that farming for gold is not a good way to get filthy rich. Sure, you can make a decent amount of gold if you're creative enough but usually no more than 700 gold an hour. Yeah, it's a lot, but it's not nearly enough to hit the 1 million mark (it would take 1428 hours or 59 straight days of play to reach the mark making that much).

So, it's no wonder that people are interested in guides like Cataclysm Scalper that promise to help them make gold without having to farm. Farming doesn't work anymore because it isn't ENOUGH for a lot of players. If all you want to do is run instances and buy crafting mats, it's probably plenty for you, but if you're interested in building a strategy that will let you earn 5 figures a day, every day, you need a guide like Cataclysm Scalper to help you get there.

What Does Cataclysm Scalper Do Differently?

Instead of providing a static book that was rarely updated and included a lot of abstract descriptions, he wanted to write something that would actually SHOW players how to make gold with in-depth examples and strategies mapped out in the form of charts and walkthroughs.

He's done that and much more by including detailed in-game screenshots, walkthroughs of the game's most interesting aspects. That's not something you'll find in almost any other gold making guides, probably because it would take SO MUCH TIME to do. So, if you are tired of gold farming like pretty much everyone else, get over to Jonathan's site and find out how to get past it once and for all.






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Master Chef reveals the secret recipes for many of America's favorite dishes. Now you can impress your family & friends with these unique recipes.

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The secret recipes for your favorite restaurant dishes have now been revealed in this best-selling new cookbook.

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The 10 Best Ways to Ruin Your Wedding Speech

Everyone is nervous when giving a wedding speech – it's natural to have anxiety over public speaking. However, most of us want to channel that anxiety and stress into a great performance that is going to be memorable and appreciated by the audience. You might just be able to achieve that goal with practice and by avoiding the pitfalls below.

1) Rambling
Wedding speeches can be tough enough on the audience without hearing you drone on for twenty minutes without a coherent point. This is why preparation and practice are critical. You need to know what you're going to say, say it, and sit back down. That's the essence of good public speaking.

2) Apologizing
Whether you're apologizing for not being a very good speaker, apologizing for talking for too long, apologizing for not knowing what to say, or just apologizing for almost anything, you really want to avoid it. People don't like hearing that you're sorry for all of these things. And apologizing for your speaking performance only draws negative attention in your direction.

3) Being Intoxicated
Even a small amount of alcohol is enough to throw you off your game and make your words sound like a rambling mess. Hold off on the drinks until you're done.

4) Avoid Controversy
You definitely don't want to touch on anything controversial during your speech, including issues of religion, politics, or anything else that might cause a stir. Remember you're not a celebrity at an awards show.

5) Making the Speech about You
Giving a speech does put you in the spotlight but don't let that fool you. The event is about the bride and groom so keep it that way. Keep your own stories and memories that don't involve them out of the speech (unless they are directly relevant).

6) Ending Abruptly
Another bad idea is just to let the speech end suddenly with no formal conclusion. Maybe you let your last words fade off or maybe you just return to your seat after the final statement. In any case, you're making a big mistake that is going to affect the impression of your speech.

7) Bringing Up the Bad Past
Being nostalgic in your wedding speech is great but if you start reminiscing about the bride's ex-husband or about the days when the groom was free to hang out with his friends freely, you're moving into territory that should be avoided at all costs in your wedding speech.

8) Giving Too Much Advice
While already married couples can give advice in their speeches, too much advice is not usually going to go over well with the couple or the audience. Advice is a bit tricky anyway because you don't want it to come off like "We're so wonderful. Look what we've done" so you want to be careful if you add any to your speech.

9) Saying Inappropriate Things
If you've always thought the groom was sexy or if you had a sex dream one night about the bride, don't bring it up now. In fact, you really want to be careful about using any type of sex references, profanity, or offensive language in your speech. You never know who might be in the audience.

10) Mumbling
Make sure the audience can hear you. Talk loudly and clearly; otherwise, there's no point to you giving the speech in the first place and all of your planning will have been a waste.

If you're interested in learning more about how to create the best wedding speech possible and dazzling the audience with your skills,





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How To Stop Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a very stressful behavioral issue that effects a huge percentage of the dog population, possibly as high as 14%. It is one of the most misunderstood issues with people trying to treat it by approaching it from a human point of view and failing to see the cause. The answer to how to stop separation is simple. Show your dog that you are the pack leader. Let me explain.

Recognizing that the following behaviors are symptoms is a start. They are as wide ranging as they are distressing for the dog, but by treating them you are not treating the cause of the problem. First ask yourself the question; does the behavior stop when you return? If so then I suggest that you're being away is actually connected to the cause. Lets take a look at a few of the key symptoms.

  • Chewing –releases an endorphin similar to the one released when a human is chewing gum in an attempt to stay calm.
  • Barking, whining – this is a call for the owners to return to the pack, similar to if you were to call your children when you can't find them
  • Escaping when you are not there – often very destructive, extreme and sometimes dangerous. Your dog is looking for you. So many people are told to try and exercise the problem out of their dog but it will not solve the problem
  • Digging, destruction – this is all connected to stressful and anxious behavior.
  • Self-mutilation – excessive, licking and chewing oneself. Excessive drooling is also a sign of stress. These are signs that are often mistaken for being medical conditions but are all stress related
  • Toileting – if your dog is toilet trained but starts going toilet inside and you think that it is behavioral then it could well be. If it is only occurring when your dog is away from you then it is very likely connected to your dog having separation anxiety

Whilst there are lots of places that you can find advice on how to treat all these symptoms there is only one way to treat the cause of the problem. If you are serious about how to stop separation anxiety then you must become the pack leader.

Separation anxiety is a very straight forward problem that occurs when your dog believes they are the pack leader and your are their puppy or member of their pack. In the wild dogs do not wander off out the den on their own and your dogs separation anxiety will continue until you return to him. Once you show your dog that you are the pack leader your dog will be fine with you coming and going as you please.





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