Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A new dimension of Android™ – Making a 3D UI for Android™ applications

Wouldn't it be cool to have a 3D UI in your Android ™ application? I'm Erik Hellman, Lead Software Architect for Android development at Sony Ericsson, and I'll explain how to make this possible. In this article, I 'll describe how to incorporate 3D with Android 's UI API and OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics, and I provide a bitmap code example that can be used as input to a texture in OpenGL ES 2.0. Being a game developer for Android is getting easier every day. The devices are getting high-end GPUs, loads of memory and have nice multi-touch displays. There are also several game engines announcing their support for Android, making the time-to-market for game developers much less than it used to be. Creating advanced games for Android no longer requires a huge project involving hundreds of people and spanning over 2 years or more. While game engines can help us create advanced 3D games, it is not as easy to create an application that uses 3D graphics to enhance the user experience. The engines are focused towards gaming and usually lack a tight integration with the existing Android API and services. In this post, I will explain how you can combine the best from Android's UI APIs with hardware accelerated OpenGL ES 2.0 3D graphics. At Droidcon 2011 in Berlin, I presented a session on this topic and showed some demos of how 3D graphics can enhance your applications. Visitors in the Sony Ericsson booth at droidcon 2011 in Berlin, Germany. The main problem with doing 3D graphics in Android applications is that the Android API for UI (android.widget.* and android.view.*) has no solution for manipulating the View objects in 3D. OpenGL ES 2.0 on the other hand can do 3D very well, but has no knowledge about Android's touch and input APIs, lacks layout managers and is really bad at rendering content such as text. The first thing I'll show is how you can combine the two technologies in the best possible way. All user-interface components in Android are based on the View class. Regardless if you show a button, text or a list of objects, you will use one of the many sub-classes of View. When a View, and all its children, is drawn there are two things happening. All Views in the hierarchy are first measured and then the layout manager in Android positions them as specified. This is done by a call to the measure and layout method in the View class. All this usually happens behind the scenes in standard Android 2D UI, but if you wish to use your Android View in a 3D scene you need to do this by yourself. Once measure() and layout() have been called we can draw the View using the draw() method. This method takes a Canvas as a parameter. The Canvas, in turn, can be created to draw on a Bitmap. This is where we tie it all together in a nice utility method: public static Bitmap drawViewToBitmap(View view, Bitmap bitmap) { bitmap.eraseColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); int bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth(); int bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight(); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); int measureWidth = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec (bitmapWidth, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); int measuredHeight = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec (bitmapHeight, View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY); view.measure(measureWidth, measuredHeight); view.layout(0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight); view.draw(canvas); return bitmap; } The above method lets you reuse the same Bitmap instance and thus reduces the amount of memory allocations you have to do (which takes time). The Bitmap that we just drew our View to can be used as input to a texture in OpenGL ES 2.0 that can be placed on a 3D model (or, in the simplest case two triangles forming a flat quad). For examples of how to create a simple OpenGL ES 2.0 application where we use bitmaps as textures, I suggest looking at the samples in the official Android SDK. This method mainly solves the problem of mixing Android UI content with OpenGL ES 2.0 scenes. There is still a lot you need to build yourself, such a scene graph, handling user input and animations. However, you now have enough to start experimenting and I 'll be posting a follow up on this where we look at how to build a simple scene graph and handling user input. Note: Droidcon Berlin is a two day barcamp and conference that explores all aspects of developing for Android mobile devices. Happening in Berlin at the Urania Berlin on March 23 and 24, droidcon Berlin will host workshops on Android apps and game development. Over 1200 people are participating in this conference ,
.semoga bermanfaat,,Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih,,, thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).

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Front keren untuk k850i dan hp se lainnya

How to install: Exact file, chose font, for example copy arial.ttf and fonts.xml from folder and put it tpa/preset/system/fonts.. Fonts: Arial bold-italic Book bold-italic Cambria Comic Sans regular and bold Dungeon Franklin Gothic Medium Italic Kristen ITC Lucida Demibold Italic Verdana Italic Quill Enjoy
semoga bermanfaat,,Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih,,, thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).

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Driver camera bagus untuk w995i

Dirty Rodriguez Camdriver 1.2 Rev. 2009-08-12 for W995 installing: - put the Driver to ifs\settings\camera - Start the Phone, Log in, and wait till you have a flowing Standby... - than wait 5 Minutes and than you can take the first W995 HQ Pictures with Fast Saving Changelog: V1.2 -Based on eltoffer C905 Driver 3.6 modded for W995 -Image quality improve to maximum in ALL scenes -Video quality improve to maximum -Better color on ALL scenes, (Living Colors Adjust for W995) -Better Video color, real colors -More sharpness -No yellowness corners -Better auto focus on all scenes ** -Better AUTO-ISO -Noise reduction -Cam Clock Freq. From 100khz to 400khz -Driver Cleaned from unneeded -Very Fast Start & Saving -better colors -better makro -better flash automatic -DarKMaGiCiaN 2.8 C905 ISO & Nightmode improvments -Red is Red Black is Black Green is Green Blue is Blue -Original 1.7 Changes added Macro Sharpness Compare Original 1.7 vs. Dirty´s 1.2 download
Semoga bermanfaat,,Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih,,, thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).

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Cara Bantu Bersihkan Limbah Nuklir Radiokatif dengan ganggang hijau

Studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ganggang hijau yang tak terbatas akan membantu membersihkan air dari limbah nuklir radio aktif. Para ilmuwan di R.I.T. telah meneliti dimana ganggang dapat digunakan untuk mensintesis biofuel, dan baru-baru ini para peneliti di Northwestern University dan Argonne National telah menemukan bahwa ganggang air tawar dapat menghilangkan Stronsium 90 dari limbah radioaktif. Perkembangan ini secara signifikan dapat membantu upaya mendatang untuk membersihkan limbah radioaktif di Fukushima Daichi Plant sehubungan dengan efek yang ditimbulkan pasca tsunami di Jepang beberapa waktu lalu. Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa proses dimulai ketika ganggang hijau pertama menyerap strontium, kalsium dan barium dari air. Para strontium dan barium kristal terbentuk di dalam setiap sel alga. Kristal tetap di dalam sel, tetapi ganggang menyaring dan mengeluarkannya kalsium dan mineral lainnya yang mungkin ada. Strontium ini kemudian terisolasi, dan dengan demikian dapat diobati. Para peneliti masih memikirkan cara terbaik untuk memanfaatkan kemampuan dari ganggang. Karena ganggang tidak membedakan antara strontium radioaktif dan tidak aktif (mereka secara kimiawi identik), tidak diketahui bagaimana ganggang akan terus berada di lingkungan yang terkena radioaktif. Tetapi kabar baiknya adalah bahwa mereka telah mampu memanipulasi proses ganggang untuk lebih selektif terhadap strontium sehingga menghilangkan limbah sebanyak mungkin. Meskipun studi baru saja dimulai, penemuan ini dengan menggunakan kemampuan ganggang dalam mensterilkan limbah radiokatif adalah sebuah langkah besar. Para ilmuwan yakin bahwa ganggang dapat menjadi faktor kunci dalam pengobatan strontium radioaktif, seperti yang telah terbukti di masa lalu berfungsi dalam lingkungan yang keras. Sumber: inhabitat
semoga bermanfaat,,Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih,,, thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).

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Tema keren untuk w960i blackbery version edited by galihrezah

Nah download di semoga bermanfaat,,Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih,,, thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).

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