Thursday, October 13, 2011

The 3 Best Abdominal Exercises that Are NOT Your "Normal" Ab Exercises

A unique ab workout that doesn't contain your typical boring stomach exercises - no crunches or situps here!

Instead of the typical ab routines that we see so often with crunches, situps, leg lifts, etc... I like to give my readers better options for metabolism-boosting high intensity workouts that work their entire body while also working their abs... thus building rock hard abs & core, but also creating a much better fat-burning workout than a typical ab workout.

I'm going to show you an example today of one of my favorite "ab workouts" that doesn't include any direct "ab exercises" at all. This is actually a full body workout that works your abs pretty hard indirectly, and stimulates a good metabolism boost!  It's in a tri-set format (similar to a super-set but alternating between 3 exercises).

Here goes:

1a. Renegade Dumbbell Rows
1b. Front Squats with Barbell
1c. Mountain Climbers on Floor

A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. Mountain climbers can be done for a time interval (such as 30 seconds) instead of "reps".

Exercise Pics & Descriptions:

Renegade dumbbell rows are done starting in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. You then row one dumbbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm. Bring the dumbbell back to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. This stabilizing effect during the rows creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area. Trust me... you'll feel it in the abs!

 renegade rows start position for solid core

renegade rows - great ab & core exercise
Renegade Rows shown above

Front squats are done similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. You stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulders while keeping your elbows out in front of the body.

This takes a little practice at first, so you will want to seek a professional trainer at your gym to help you with the form. Front squats require extreme stabilization strength from the abs due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front of the body instead of the back. Even though this is mostly a leg exercise, you'll feel this one in the abs big time!

 front squats start position for rock hard abs

front squats - surprisingly good abdominal exercise
Front squats shown above

Mountain climbers are done by starting in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It sort of resembles climbing a mountain but flat on the floor. If you want an advanced version, you can also shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard mountain climbers.

mountain climbers ab exercise start

mountain climbers - great ab exercise 
Mountain Climbers shown above

After finishing each exercise, rest about 30 seconds before starting the next exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after completing each "tri-set" before repeating.

This will give you one of the best ab workouts you've ever had without even doing any direct ab exercises.... and with a LOT more fat-burning metabolic effect compared to standard ab exercises...  You'll see what I mean after you try it!








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2 Common Foods in Your Diet That May be Making You Gain Weight and Get Sick

Of course, you've probably heard a million times now how bad trans fats and high fructose corn syrup are for your health... so I'm not going to give you that same old story.

Instead, we need to look at a couple common foods that are probably in your diet in large quantities and may be causing major problems such as weight gain, headaches, sicknesses, indigestion, etc, etc... and those possible culprits are:  Wheat and Dairy

Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you that both of these staples need to be eliminated permanently from your diet... but read on to see an interesting test that may help you a great deal...

In all of my years of personal training and nutrition counseling, if I had to choose a couple VERY simple dietary changes that have made the biggest difference for my clients in allowing them to FINALLY see fat loss results (and other health problems solved), it would be this following test:

1. Test removing all wheat products from your diet for 2 entire weeks, and take notice of how you feel, look, and your body composition.

2. Test removing all dairy from your diet for 2 entire weeks, and take notice of how you feel, look, and your body composition.

The best way to do this is to eliminate them both for 2 full weeks, and then reintroduce one at a time so that you can determine if one of them or both wheat and dairy are causing negative health effects for you.

Wheat and dairy are easily 2 of the biggest intolerances that a large percentage of the population has.

Now this doesn't mean that I'm saying you have to entirely eliminate wheat and dairy for the rest of your life, but what I am saying is that this is an important test to do for about 2 weeks to gauge if you see some dramatic changes in your body fat percentage, how you look and feel overall, your energy levels, and other health issues.

If you do the 2-week elimination of wheat and dairy and don't feel that it helped you at all or made you feel better, than you can probably do ok on moderate amounts of each.

Most people do not realize this, but a large percentage of the population has at least some degree of intolerance to the gluten in wheat and several other grains. The biggest offender is wheat though, as it's in such a large percentage of the average western diet... from breads, to pastas, to bagels, to cakes, wraps, cereals, etc, etc.

Most people don't have the extent of intolerance that a celiac has, but most people feel much better, improve all sorts of health problems, and also lose fat faster when they eliminate wheat from their diet. 

In fact, I just had a client last week tell me that when she eliminated wheat from her diet, her chronic headaches disappeared almost instantly... these are headaches she's been having for years, and after eliminating wheat from her diet, they are gone (along with some body fat that she lost too!).

What about me?  Do I still eat wheat?

Well, what I do is try to only eat wheat on cheat days, which many times means when I'm out at restaurants or at parties, barbeques, etc.  Since wheat is so integral in the typical western diet, it's almost impossible to avoid when eating out or at other people's houses.

But I have virtually ZERO wheat products in my own house usually (with the exception of an occasional piece of sprouted grain bread once or twice a week).  Anything is simple to avoid at least 90% of the time, when it doesn't even exist in your cabinets!

Now with as anti-wheat as I am, I'm actually a big fan of dairy... However, ONLY if the dairy is raw milk or raw cheese and from grass-fed cows. Did you know that many people who "think" they are lactose intolerant actually can drink raw milk without a problem?  This is because the live enzymes and friendly bacteria in raw milk aid in the digestion of the lactose and the proteins in milk. These enzymes and friendly bacteria are destroyed in pasteurized milk, which makes it more difficult to digest for many people.

I know this is a controversial topic, so you need to obviously do your own research...but see the site below for some interesting info.

If I can't get raw dairy, I choose to go dairy-free (with the exception of small amounts of yogurt). That's because I feel that the pasteurized, homogenized milk products are not suitable for long term consumption (but that's another story for another day).

By the way, you can always search to see if raw milk co-ops or farms are available in your area on .  You'd be surprised at how many co-ops are available that deliver from rural areas to urban areas.  It's important to make sure that the farm is reputable and certified (in some states) to produce raw milk. Most raw milk farms are the cleanest operations in the entire dairy industry.

oh, and for the "germo-phobes" out there... I've been drinking gallons upon gallons of raw, full fat milk for about 6 years now (I drink about 1-2 gallons per week), and I've never once gotten sick from it, nor has anybody else that I know that's been drinking it long term... so to all of these so-called "experts" out there telling you that "there's a reason they pasteurize milk, because it's dangerous if not"... well, they obviously don't know what they're talking about. 

Plus, the full-fat milk certainly has not made me fatter either... I used to drink skim milk only for years, but now for the last 6 years, I've drank nothing but full fat raw milk, and I'm easily in the best shape of my life now and leaner than ever. 

People are more likely to get sick from pasteurized milk, because mass factory farms are generally dirtier operations with animals that are in poorer health than grass-fed raw milk farms.

And don't forget the high levels of fat-burning, muscle building CLA in full-fat, raw, grass fed milk (and omega-3's)!

Back from the tangent... I think this elimination of wheat and (pasteurized) dairy is one of the most important tests anyone can easily do to see if wheat and dairy are negatively affecting them. After all, it's only 2 weeks to test yourself!

A couple quick things to note:

1. Eggs are NOT dairy... I'm not sure why so many people seem to think that eggs are a dairy product (maybe because they're in the same section at the grocery store?), but there is absolutely no dairy in eggs... eggs are basically meat if you want to categorize them.  Regardless, eggs are practically a perfect food in terms of nutrition density.

here's an entire article I did on whole eggs vs egg whites if you haven't seen it.

2. When trying to eliminate wheat, this usually means that almost ALL processed foods have to be eliminated because wheat components are in so many processed foods.








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3 Counterfeit Foods Marketed as "Healthier" - these are Deceptive

I was at the grocery store yesterday and had to shake my head at all of the deceptive labels with everything claiming all sorts of things that are supposedly "healthy", but aren't really. 

One of the things that really disturbed me was that I saw several examples of healthy foods in their natural state, but I saw counterfeit versions of these foods claiming that they were healthier than the original...

Yet in reality, all of these "counterfeit" versions were actually MUCH worse for you than the original, and more highly processed... and they still have the balls to claim that their overly processed "junkified" versions are better.

This is food marketing deception at it's worst!

Example #1:  Product claiming "Better than peanut butter" by being a low-fat peanut butter

This product is ridiculous!  I can't believe anyone would ever believe that this junk is better for them than natural peanut butter.

What I'm talking about here are the types of peanut butter that claim to be "lower-fat peanut butter"...  But remember that "low-fat" many times just means more added sugars and carbs to replace the fats they took out.  Not good!

First of all, if you buy a good simple peanut butter (organic is best), it is usually nothing but 2 ingredients... peanuts and salt. And they don't add much salt so it's not high in sodium.  Note: Remember to always avoid peanut butters that contain harmful hydrogenated oils.  Peanut butter that contains palm oil is a better alternative than added hydrogenated oils... but natural peanut butter with just peanuts and salt is best.

Back to the counterfeit peanut butter... This counterfeit peanut butter which claimed it was "better than peanut butter" (trying to seem healthier than peanut butter based on it's label claims) had a list of junk in it you wouldn't believe. First of all, they strip most of the healthy fats out of the peanuts so that it is a "low fat" product. Ok, now you've just taken away one of the healthiest parts of the product...the appetite satisfying healthy fats that you need to control cravings and manage more stable blood sugar levels.

To make things worse, the healthy fats were replaced with TWO different types of sugary syrups as well as additional dehydrated cane juice (aka SUGAR), in addition to added refined starches.

This product has taken something as simple and natural as peanut butter, and turned it into what should really be called some sort of processed candy. Yet, they claim that it's healthier than peanut butter because it's "lower fat".  And somehow they get away with deceiving people like this. Don't be their fool! 

This overly processed peanut butter may be lower in fat (by removing the healthy fats), but it's also higher in sugar and total carbohydrates, bringing the calorie total pretty close to regular peanut butter.

Example #2: Product claiming to be "better than eggs".

I won't get as detailed on this one because I recently talked about this entire topic in another newsletter.

But basically, this product was just egg whites with a bunch of added chemical colorings, flavorings, and other nonsense, including fake added vitamins.

Again, this product has essentially ruined a good thing by removing the healthiest part... the YOLKS!  And yes, the yolks ARE the healthiest part of the egg. Anybody that tells you different doesn't understand much about REAL nutrition.  The important thing to look for in quality whole eggs are cage-free and organic, and also the diet that the hens ate.  Most commercial egg farms are a disaster for the health of the hens, as they are crowded inside hen houses and never see the light of day, and are fed unhealthy amounts of grains.

Your best bet is to find a local farmer that you know allows the hens daily time outdoors to roam freely on land and eat a variety of greens, bugs, etc.  I understand that not everybody can find a local farmer that does this type of thing... so what you want to look for at the grocery store is organic, free-range eggs, and also brands that claim higher amounts of DHA or omega-3's. 

A slight improvement over standard eggs is if the hens had flax seed or algae feed included in their diet to increase the omega-3 content of the eggs.  These eggs will have a better ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats.

If you missed my previous article about whole eggs vs egg whites, you can view it here...

Are Whole Eggs or Egg Whites Healthier?

Example #3:  A product claiming to be "better than butter".

This was essentially crappy margarine loaded with highly processed and deadly trans fats , yet it had the nerve to claim it was "better than butter".

Who are they fooling!

Even low quality butter is healthier than ANY margarine. One problem with butter can be pesticides and hormones from improperly raised cows.

For this reason, you always want to choose organic butter, and if you can find "grass-fed" organic butter, then I would even say it can be healthy for you.  In fact, a little known fact is that adding a little butter to your steamed vegetables helps your body to absorb more of the vitamins and minerals in the veggies.  It's true...having veggies with a fat source aids your assimilation of vitamins and minerals.  If you missed the article the other day about why healthy grass-fed butter can even help fat loss, read that here .

Another factor in favor of butter:

Due to the content of stable saturated fats in butter, this makes butter one of the healthiest oils or fats to cook with. Oils high in polyunsaturated fats are the worst to cook with due to their highly unstable nature, which contributes to excess free radical production.  For more info about this topic, here's an article I did about healthy vs unhealthy cooking oils

What about the saturated fats in butter?

No, the saturated fat in butter is NOT bad for you. If you've been reading my newsletters for some time, you know that we've already beaten that topic to death. If you're new to this newsletter, you can go back to this page to see why saturated fats are a perfectly natural part of the human diet and always have been:  
Evidence that saturated fat is NOT bad for you








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13 Healthy (and Delicious) FAT-BURNING Snack Ideas for Between Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

I receive a lot of questions from my readers where they have been doing much better at choosing healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, but they are still struggling to find good ideas for healthy and quick "mid-meals"... especially a quick small meal or snack that can be brought to the office or on road trips (so you can avoid the fast food junk!).

Some people may call these "healthy snacks", but I prefer to consider them meals because they should be similar in size to your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, if you want to spread your calorie intake out over the full day to "graze" so to speak.

After all, I'm sure it's no secret by now that eating 5-6 small meals per day is a much better strategy (for blood sugar control and appetite control) for getting lean compared to the traditional "3 squares" a day (which for most people, turns into only 2 big meals/day as many skip breakfast).

The problem that I see most people having is being prepared enough to bring healthy "mid-meals" with them to work for the day. If you don't plan ahead,  and bring something healthy and balanced with you when you're out and about for the day, or at work, you're going to end up choosing the junk food  at the vending machine or corner store.

So here are some of my favorite natural foods based mid-meals that I've used for years with great success and that lots of my clients love too. I want to keep things simple here, so I'm just gonna give a couple of my easiest, quickest, and healthiest...

Quick, healthy snack ideas to keep your body lean:

  • Apple or other fruit with almond butter
  • Hummus with carrot sticks or sliced red/yellow/orange peppers
  • Guacamole with carrot sticks or sliced red/yellow/orange peppers  
  • Ricotta cheese (grass-fed if possible) mixed with cocoa powder, stevia, and vanilla extract (delicious high protein, low carb snack!) 
  • Cottage cheese mixed with yogurt, berries, and walnuts or pecans
  • A couple hard boiled eggs with carrot and celery sticks and hummus (roasted red pepper hummus is my favorite)
  • Celery sticks with organic peanut butter or almond butter (a classic quick healthy snack)
  • My famous healthy chocolate FUDGE recipe
  • Foods that make you fat Avocado slices wrapped in nitrate-free deli turkey breast (one of my favorite quick snacks)
  • A piece of sprouted grain toast (sprouted-grain preferred nutritionally over "whole grain") with almond butter or pecan butter and berries
  • Fresh sliced pineapple with a handful of macadamia nuts
  • a bowl of blueberries mixed with raw almonds
  • my quick and healthy fat-burning chocolate pudding recipe
  • Cottage cheese with cinnamon, apple slices, and walnuts (mmm, mmm good)

That should give you some ideas to start working with.  Now you have ZERO EXCUSES for resorting to junk food snacks on the road or at the office, when you have all of the delicious and healthy fat-burning snack ideas right here! 

Another option you can try if you simply need a really quick snack to hold off your appetite for a couple more hours before the next meal is this new protein & fiber drink concoction called Fusion .  They taste great, and have 24 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, and only 2 grams of sugar (and ZERO artificial sweeteners!)








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Are all of the Wu-Tea ads a Scam? Does Tea Really Help Fat Loss?

I'm sure you've seen tons of really clever ads all over the internet for all of these "Wu-tea" products claiming to be the miracle cure to fat loss.

I must admit, there's some savvy marketing behind these sites... they even claim things like "as seen on oprah" and try to claim all sorts of celebrity endorsements.

Here's the deal...

Most of these new tea products on the internet claiming to be a miracle cure for fat loss are just oolong tea. Some brands may have other teas mixed in too, but most I've seen are just oolong tea.

Now I will say that oolong tea does have plenty of studies behind it that show it may have some minor benefits in helping to aid fat loss in a couple of different ways, including a slight metabolism boost through the thermogenic effect, and some studies also indicate it can slightly increase the % of fat calories burned.

A word of warning about these "miracle tea" sites... many of them are blatant scams, and aren't even selling the high quality oolong that they claim to be selling.  I do know the owner of this oolong tea company , and I trust their sourcing of the highest quality oolong tea.

However, I'm still not 100% convinced that you can't get basically the same benefits from oolong tea that you might be able to buy cheaper at perhaps Whole Foods or another health food store.

But with all of this said, is there REALLY any major fat loss effect from drinking oolong tea?

Well, the answer is...  slightly.

If you've read my Truth about Six Pack Abs manual, then you know that I do recommend including a mixture of green tea, white tea, oolong tea, and black tea in your daily schedule to possibly help a slight bit with fat loss and your metabolism.

But, the fact of it is that drinking tea is not going to "miraculously" transform your body or "melt off body fat".  It CAN have a slight thermogenic effect and possibly help you burn a slight bit extra calories daily.  Plus, there are tons of other benefits too, many of which are due to the high antioxidant content of teas.

However, let's get real... whether you drink tea or not isn't one of those major factors in how fast you're going to burn off body fat... it's just a very minor detail.  The real factors are your lifestyle as a whole, your type of exercise program and intensity, the quality of your diet, and your mindset... all of which we focus on regularly in this newsletter and in my Truth about Abs program.

So what I'd recommend is...

Most of these "miracle fat loss teas" on the internet are overhyped, and any effect you do get is going to be minor. Now I'm not saying that there can't be a cumulative effect if you do a lot of these little tips and tricks combined together, and I've always said that green and oolong teas are certainly part of that.  So if you do choose to use oolong tea, find a good quality brand at your local health food store, or try my friend's brand at this oolong site

Regardless, I do recommend including white, green, black, and oolong teas (as well as other types of tea such as yerba mate, rooibos, etc) in your diet for their numerous health benefits and antioxidants, but just be careful not to be scammed by overhyped claims on websites that you don't know.  Remember, if the claims seem wildly overhyped, it's probably too good to be true.

One last thing for today...

If you don't already have a copy of my world-famous Truth about Abs program, I just created a trial offer for those that haven't tried it yet to test it out for 21 days for initial access of only $4.95 (normally $39.95). You can cancel within 21 days if you don't feel the information is right for you and you won't be charged the remaining $35.00.  Here's the details...

Truth about Abs Trial Offer








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Are You Addicted to Overly-Aggressive Food Tastes? This Could Be Making You Fatter

This article explores changing your taste buds over time to prefer eating healthy natural unprocessed foods

If you've been a newsletter subscriber of mine for some time, you've probably noticed that I like to talk about food... and healthy eating in particular. I've always said that healthy eating does NOT have to be boring and bland, and if you know a few preparation tricks, can actually be exciting and delicious.

Many people seem to falsely believe that they'll never be able to get lean if they don't eat what is thought to be typical bodybuilder fare -- dry plain chicken breasts, plain broccoli, tuna fish, oatmeal, etc. If you've read my newsletters for some time, you know that I'm against this type of boring menu, and like to give healthy meal ideas that have a little more appeal.

However, here is one of the most important things you can do for yourself if you want to eat healthier for life and make it a HECK OF A LOT easier to get lean and stay that way permanently...

Learn to adjust your taste buds to enjoy the natural unadulterated taste of real food -- unprocessed foods!

This is one of the main problems that I see so many people face with being able to control their eating... they have grown up with processed foods and additives that are excessively AGGRESSIVE TASTES.

  • So many foods have excessive added sugars, corn syrups, artificial sweeteners, etc
  • So many foods have excessive added trans fats, refined vegetable oils, and other processed fats
  • So many foods are laden with excessive (and potentially dangerous) flavor enhancers such as MSG and processed commercial salt

All of this massive onslaught of overly aggressive tastes have rendered most people's taste buds senseless when it comes to the natural taste of real unprocessed foods.

I was having brunch with a couple friends recently and I noticed one of them dumped this huge heaping spoonful of sugar into their coffee. I can't even imagine being able to gag down a coffee that was so heavily loaded with sugar.

Even diet drinks (which I'd never drink because of the harmful artificial sweeteners) are so excessively sweet these days, they're not even refreshing. I can't understand how people can drink something that tastes like pure syrup.

It's funny but one of my recommendations when people ask for my advice with their eating habits is to give up drinking a sweetened drink with their meals (this means no diet drinks either)... they look at me like I'm crazy and say "How can I possibly eat a meal without a soda or a diet soda?"

If you're addicted to drinking a sweet drink with every meal, it would be a wise decision to start to wean yourself off of them and drink water or unsweetened iced tea instead.

Here's a quick quiz to see if you're officially addicted to overly aggressive tastes:

1. If given the choice, would you choose:

  a. sausage or hot dog
  b. steak, burger, or chicken breast

2. Do you prefer:

  a. sweetened hot tea, iced tea, or coffee (with added sugar or artificial sweeteners)
  b. unsweetened tea or black coffee

3. If given a choice for dessert, do you prefer:

  a. cake, pie, or ice cream
  b. a piece of fruit

4. If you like chocolate, do you prefer:

  a. milk chocolate
  b. extra dark chocolate

I could think of more, but that'll do for now... If you answered a's more than you answered b's, then you may be addicted to overly aggressive food tastes, and that could be making you pack on more pounds indirectly.

One of the main problems is that needing to eat aggressive tasting foods means that all of that extra salt, MSG, added processed fats, sugars, and artificial sweeteners are playing havok with your hormones, and making you crave extra calories that your body doesn't need.

Don't worry though, it CAN be easy to wean yourself off of these aggressive tastes. I've successfully done it.

About 5 years ago, I'd have called you crazy if you said I'd ever be drinking unsweetened tea or black coffee... I always needed to add a sweetener back then... but now, I actually PREFER to drink them both unsweetened.

What I did was just slightly reduce the amount of sweetener I added over time, and eventually I got used to using none, and actually started to prefer the natural taste of coffee or tea instead of just tasting the sweetness.

Now you can start to see how this all ties back into enjoying the REAL taste of food instead of the ADDITIVES in food!

My healthy eating recommendations for your leaner healthier body:

  • Enjoy the taste of real meats, such as grass-fed steaks , fish, chicken breasts, pork tenderloin... instead of needing the aggressive tastes of the additives in sausages, hot dogs, deli meats, and other processed meats.
  • Start to enjoy the taste of the actual coffee or tea instead of the taste of the sugar or artificial sweetener.
  • Start drinking water or unsweetened tea with meals (instead of soda or sweetened drinks) at least every other day, and try to increase that to every day eventually.
  • Use herbs and spices in your cooking instead of heavy use of salt.
  • Try to wean yourself off of cakes, pies, candies, and other sweets... Eat mostly fruit or small amounts of super-dark chocolate instead.
  • Avoid eating any and all deep fried foods and processed starch-based side dishes - mac & cheese, scalloped potatoes, etc.

Even doing just some of these simple tips can help you to change your tastes over time and help to overcome your addiction to the overly aggressive tastes that food marketers have pushed on us our entire lives.

I hope these ideas help you to eat healthier, and enjoy food more!








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Avoid Building Muscle The Wrong Way! Part 2

How would you feel if you discovered that almost everything you were doing with building muscle was dead wrong? Imagine all the time, money and effort you have spent in the gym was contributing to building muscle – the wrong way! Everything you have read on building muscle has left you with little to show for your hard earned efforts...

There are dozens of muscle building mistakes that we all fall victim to which results in bringing you progress to a complete halt. Don't be too hard on yourself, because like all things in life, building muscle is a learning process. That does not mean you must forfeit years of personal trail and error when we can learn the mistakes of seasoned trainers who walked before us.

If Your Still Stuck With The Same Weak and Skinny Body...
It's Not Your Fault

You have been mislead and down right lied to by some of the most successful masters of deception alive today. You are probably not even aware that the bodybuilding industry is robbing you of your hard-earned efforts, it's embarrassing your commitment and motivation, and most importantly, it's stealing your money, and crushing the results you should be getting at the gym.

In my search for honest, unbiased, time-tested muscle building information I discovered some hard-to-accept information. Looking back, I now realize that this information was a major turning point in my journey to building muscle the right way. BUT...I had to reprogram my belief system.

Here are the first three biggest and baddest ways to building muscle the wrong way. Erase these mistakes from your thought process and you will be one step closer to earning beach body worthy status:

Building Muscle The Wrong Way #1 – Skipping Out On Your Cardio...

Before you disagree take note that I was once a long distance triathlon and running champion so my cardiovascular standards and perceptions of 'fit' are much higher than your local trainers or expert bodybuilding author. It drives me crazy when I hear fitness experts preaching that weight training is just as good for keeping your heart and lungs in prime condition. Who are they kidding?

Weight training, designed for bodybuilding, is almost useless for stimulating your cardiovascular system. Bodybuilding style weight training for your cardio is just about as good as spending the day playing video games. Sure, I know your leg training workouts and super sets make you feel like you sprinted up the street for 100 m but this is far cry from a optimal cardio system.

Do not buy into the latest fad that cardio will kill any chance of building muscle. Cardio must be in your program even if your goal is maximal muscle gain and you are the skinniest of skinny. Aerobics plays a vital role in building muscle and has been shown to speed up recovery from weight training by transporting oxygen and blood flow to the muscles.

The circulatory system is developed because more oxygen is pushed through your blood resulting in a greater number and size of blood vessels. Since there is a greater cardiovascular density of blood vessels, your circulatory system has more 'supply routes' to shuttle oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues, including muscles, and shuttle away waste products that can slow muscle growth, repair and recovery. In the end, this means you will create a more optimal environment for building muscle!

Building Muscle The Wrong Way #2 – Overtraining The Biceps And Triceps

I'll bet any money that you would do almost anything for a set of sleeve-stretching set of arms. Any money that you would do almost anything for a pair of bulging biceps and rock-hard triceps!

Interestingly, every time I 'm at my gym, I see small and weak dudes spending a full hour doing every bicep and tricep exercise imaginable. They do set-after-set, week-after-week with nothing to show but the same skinny noodle arms. What they fail to realize is that for maximum muscle growth and strength, the biceps and triceps require very little direct stimulation!

Do me a favor and take a close close at the size of your thigh. Now compare the size of your thigh to the size of your bicep. Does it make sense to spend the same amount of time training arms versus your legs when your legs are over four times as big? Of course not! Now compare the overall size of your back to the overall size of your arms. Now compare the size of your overall chest to the size of your overall arms. You should now realize that a larger muscle group should be trained differently than a smaller muscle group.

Focus the majority of your training on the large muscle groups – that is chest, back, shoulders and legs. Focus on increasing the strength and size in these big muscle groups and rest assured, building muscle in your arms will become easier.

Now hear me out. I'm not saying that direct arm training is a waste. I'm simply leading you to discover that less is often more when training small muscle groups such as your bi's and tri's.

Building Muscle The Wrong Way #3 – Not Focusing On Getting Stronger

I can't count how many times I have down a fitness consultation with a young new trainee and bring up the idea of including a strength cycle early in the program and he instantly fires back, "But I don't care about how much I can lift, I just want to get ripped and muscular."

I get his short attention span back by stating, "Building muscle will almost always follow if you simply focus on getting stronger, I mean getting really stronger." Unfortunately, training to get stronger seems to no longer be apart of the average trainees training regime.

Since the fitness industry has become more commercialized with balls, balance pads, fancy selectorized equipment and ridiculous infomercials, people have neglected the necessary time building requirements to build a solid foundation for long term success. Including bodybuilders.

Consider that the stronger you become the more sets and reps you will be able to lift for more specialized movements. The better your technique. The faster your recovery. The longer and harder you will be able to train. And rest assured, when you get stronger from week to week, the muscle mass will follow!

Don't believe me? Next time you go to your gym check out who the biggest guys are. Don't be surprised if they are also the strongest. Have you ever seen anybody will a small frame who can deadlift four plates, squat three plates, bench press two plates or curl 1 plate (per side respectively). I didn't think so.

Building Muscle The Wrong Way #4 – Reading Bodybuilding Magazines

Did your last bodybuilding magazine promised 2 inches on your arms in 2 weeks? Did it tell you could increase your strength by 40% in one week? Did it show you the latest 'arm program' which looked the exact same as last months arm workout? I know this sounds extreme, but almost 90% of the information you see in bodybuilding magazines is dead wrong and only works for guys who are using steroids.

The modern mainstream bodybuilding magazines are really just muscle comic books written at a 6th grade level. They glorify drug-using bodybuilders and portray them as the picture of health. The cleverly combine two or three rehashed articles, a lot of pictures, gimmicks, sex and hype to sell this nonsense to millions. These magazines may have inspired millions by the pictures but they have also mislead millions.

Building Muscle The Wrong Way #5 – Taking Advice From A Guy Who Uses Drugs

Drugs allow you to train more often because of one's increased ability to recover, but they also speed up normal physiological processes that normally would not occur, i.e. increased hormonal levels. Not only do bodybuilders take an ENORMOUS amount of drugs; they are also known to inject various substances into their bodies to give selected body parts that enhanced look.

Building Muscle The Wrong Way #6 – Trusting The Supplement Ads

Most are unaware that bodybuilding magazines are owned by million dollar supplement companies that use the magazine as a vehicle to sell their supplements. They intentionally get professional bodybuilders to make programs that will cause the Average Joe with average genetics to literally fail. Because the programs are printed in black and white, the trusting consumer believes the advice must be right, and resorts to the latest cutting edge supplement promoted on the next page! The sale has been made.

Building Muscle The Wrong Way #7 – Following The Bodybuilding Programs

How would you also like to know that many of the articles in the popular muscle magazines are ghost written! Yep, many times the staff writers of a certain magazine will simply get the approval of a certain bodybuilder to use their name in an article they write. So, sometimes you will not even be reading an article that was actually written by your favorite bodybuilder.

Stop Taking Advice From Bodybuiding Magazines...

Once skinny guys discover there are no short-cuts or secrets, just time-tested, universal muscle building principles that are not as complicated as perceived, but work for anyone who applies them - then they will begin to build an impressive physquie and conquer their perceived unfriendly genes. You must learn to train smarter and not harder.

The training programs in these magazines are heavily influenced by professional bodybuilders who are on a lot of drugs, let us not pretend otherwise. Yes, other sports also are guilty of using drugs to enhance performance, but possibly no other sport is so dependent on the use of drugs than bodybuilding.

Your Solution : Take Advice From Someone Like You...

If you goal is to become huge and ripped naturally - you need to get advice from someone who has been in your own shoes. Would you take money advice from someone who inherited a million dollars? Probably not. So why would you take muscle building advice from someone who inherited genetics that makes him grow muscle even when he sneezes?

I have no idea either!







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The Basics of Class Necessities

So, you just started playing World of Warcraft. Or maybe you're learning everything you need to know about the game while you play right now. Maybe you've been playing for a few months or even years. I don't really care how long you've been playing the game; the odds are that you don't really know everything you need about your class and I'll tell you why I know this without actually seeing your account. First of all, almost no one knows enough about their own class. Sure, you have a few wins under your belt in PvP, but that's more because the other players are just as ignorant about the fundamentals as you are. Throw a bunch of beginners in a room and someone will come out on top…doesn't mean they are the best.

Okay, enough of the brow beating. I'm not trying to insult my fellow WoW fanatics by any means. In fact, what I'm really hoping to do here is to show you just how much you need help with your class. Whether you're a PvP fanatic or just a raiding pro, you probably don't have all the tools you need – the right gear, the epic class mount, or the right talent spec. Most people don't and that's why sites like even exist in the first place. They know that there are people out there like yourself that don't know what they are doing and need a little help.

I stumbled across this little beauty a few days ago while I was looking up some information on playing as a Paladin. I have played almost every class in the game except the Paladin and to tell you the truth, I was growing really tired of trying to figure things out as I went along. I wanted to enjoy the game and have a few pointers to help me do so. That's how I came across Elitist Guide and how I learned that there are in fact people out there who know a lot more than me about this game. Yes, I was just as shocked as you…

So, I bought the Paladin guide and started to read about what I should be doing. Of course, I knew the basics more or less, but I didn't know the exact talent specs to start with or the gear to be specing towards. I didn't know how to defeat a Druid in PvP (and these strategies downright work, trust me there). Basically, I learned the few things I didn't know, reinforced what I thought I already knew and am now in the process of rotating between destroying opponents in PvP and backing up tanks in raids depending on what kind of mood I'm in when I log in. This Paladin is now one of my favorite characters and without sounding too much like a cliché, it's all thanks to Trust me in this – you should definitely check it out if you can.








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Barbell, Kettlebell, and Dumbbell "Complexes" to Take Your Body to a New Level of Hardness and Conditioning

dumbbell complexes

If you've been looking for a different training technique to break out of a rut, eliminate the boredom, and bring on new results, workout "complexes" may be just what you've been looking for.

What are workout "complexes"?

If you've never heard of "complexes" before, the basic concept is that instead of repeating the same exercise for multiple reps to complete a "set", you sequence one rep of several different exercises right after one another and repeat the sequence several times to complete a "set". It's basically like performing a routine, instead of just mindlessly performing a typical "set".

This type of training is excellent to work a huge amount of your body's musculature in a short amount of time, and definitely takes your workouts to a whole new level of intensity. The conditioning aspect of this type of training is amazing, as you'll find yourself huffing and puffing after repeating a sequence a mere two or three times.

If I had to venture a guess, I'd have to say that this type of training probably elicits a good growth hormone response as well, due to the large amount of full body work completed in a given time period. 

I like to incorporate about 5 exercises into my complexes. Any more than that and you might start to forget what's next in the sequence.  I'm going to show you example routines to use for "complexes" below for barbells, dumbbells, and even kettlebells too.  I'm willing to bet this is a totally different style than you've ever trained before.

Here's an example of a killer barbell complex that really gets me fired up:

Example Barbell "Complex" Sequence

  1. 1 rep:  barbell clean and press from floor (explosive lift of barbell from floor to "catch" on front shoulders in one motion, then push-press overhead);
  2. 1 rep:  barbell back to thighs, then hang clean (explosively pull bar from knees and "catch" the bar at shoulders);
  3. 1 rep:  keep barbell at shoulders, then front squat ;
  4. 1 rep:  barbell back to thighs, bend over, then bent over row;
  5. 1 rep:  barbell back to thighs, then finish with Romanian deadlift
  6. repeat each rep of the sequence 2-3 times

Use a weight that you can still handle for your weakest lift of the bunch, but keep it heavy enough to challenge you. Try to repeat the sequence 2-3 times without resting... That's 1 set. You could progress over time on this routine by increasing the amount of times you repeat the sequence in each set, or by adding sets on subsequent workouts before eventually increasing the weight.

For example, say you completed the above complex with 155-lbs for 3 sequences per set for 3 sets in today's workout. Next time you perform the workout, try to do 155-lbs for 3 sequences per set for 4 sets. Once you successfully complete 5 sets with 155, increase the weight 5 or 10 lbs next time, and drop back to 3 sets. This is a great way to make improvements over time, while cycling your training volume.

Now I'm going to show you a great kettlebell complex that really kicks my butt.  If you don't have a kettlebell, you can use a dumbbell, but I'd highly recommend picking yourself up a kettlebell... they're very convenient to have around the house when you want to bang out a quick intense workout at home without going to the gym.

I've been training with kettlebells for about 5 years now, and can definitely say that they've dramatically improved my strength and overall physical capabilities. If you're not familiar with kettlebells, they are an old eastern European training secret that has just started to take the US by storm over the last few years. Many elite athletes are using kettlebells as their preferred training tool for serious results.  If you're new to kettlebells, you can learn how to get started with kettlebells at this article .

I'd recommend just starting off with one kettlebell and learn all of the single kettlebell drills first, before delving into the double-bell drills. Just one kettlebell coupled with some bodyweight exercises can literally be enough to comprise your own home gym, without any other equipment necessary. Or a kettlebell can just be a great alternative workout to incorporate into your routines once or twice a week. Either way, it opens up a whole new world of training for you.

Example Kettlebell Complex

  1. one arm swing
  2. one arm snatch, keep the bell over head;
  3. one arm overhead squat;
  4. bell back down to bottom, then one arm high pull;
  5. bell back down to bottom, then one arm clean & press
  6. repeat sequence with opposite arm

As with the barbell complex, repeat the sequence (without rest) 2-3 times with each arm. That's one set...and one hell of a killer set at that!  Try increasing from 3 to 4 to 5 sets on subsequent workouts with a given weight before increasing your sequence reps. If you're not drenched in sweat with your heart beating out of your chest after that complex, you either went too light, or you are a mutant freak!

Since dumbbells are more accessible to most people than kettlebells, now I'll show you how to put together a good dumbbell complex.  This dumbbell complex is a better option for beginners or intermediate exercisers.  The barbell and kettlebell complexes I showed above are for advanced trainees.

Example Dumbbell Complex

  1. dumbbell squat and push-press
  2. front lunge with one leg, then the other
  3. back lunge with one leg, then the other
  4. curl to overhead press
  5. keep dumbbells at shoulders and squat
  6. repeat sequence 2-3 times

Again, the same type of sequencing and progressions explained with the barbell complexes work great with the dumbbell complexes. I think an amazing workout strategy is to alternate barbell complexes on one day with kettlebell or dumbbell complexes on alternative training days.

For example, you could do barbell complexes Monday, kettlebell or dumbbell complexes Wednesday, and back to barbell complexes on Friday. Maybe hit some sprints and bodyweight drills on Saturday; then Monday would be K-bell or D-bell complexes again, Wednesday would be barbells again, and so on. Give this program a try for a month (if you dare), and you will be one hardened individual!  Make sure to shift to a different training style after 4-5 weeks as your body starts to plateau on this specific training routine.

If you want some more really unique training styles check out these great workouts called Max Workouts here .








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The Canola Oil Marketing Deception -

unhealthy canola oilHave you been lied to about the health benefits of canola oil?

If you've been following my fitness newsletters for some time, you may have noticed that I NEVER include canola oil in any of my recipes or any of my lists of healthy foods.

Many people have asked me why, because all they hear in the mainstream media is that canola oil is "heart healthy" and a good source of monounsaturated fats similar to olive oil. 

Well, first of all, you need to realize that much of what you hear in the mainstream media has been influenced by heavy handed marketing tactics by big food companies.  Canola oil is cheap for them to produce so they want to fool you into thinking it's a "health oil" so that people, restaurants, etc will buy it up as their main oil of choice.

The dirty truth about canola oil

Yes, it's true that canola oil is high in monounsaturates, but let me explain why canola oil is anything but "healthy".

Canola oil is made from something called rapeseed. Rapeseed actually had to be bred over the years to reduce the percentage of a problematic component of rapeseed, which is erucic acid.

Important note on canola oil "urban legends":  There is a problem with most websites that DEFEND canola oil, saying that internet "urban legends" on the dangers of canola oil are unfounded.  The problem is that these websites that defend canola oil ONLY talk about the issue of erucic acid.  The issue of erucic acid IS an urban legend, because erucic acid has been bred out to very low levels over the years, so it is a non-issue.

However, these websites that defend canola oil are barking up the wrong tree because they don't address the issue of the processing of canola oil and oxidation of the polyunsaturated component of canola oil, which is what makes it unhealthy for human consumption.  THAT'S the real issue that they either don't understand (because they are not nutrition experts) or are simply ignoring.

Let's look at the REAL issues with canola oil:

Canola oil typically ranges between 55-65% monounsaturated fat and between 28-35% polyunsaturated fat, with just a small amount of saturated fat.

While we've been led to believe that high monounsaturated fat oils are good for us (which they are in the case of virgin olive oil or from unprocessed nuts or seeds), the fact is that canola oil has more detriments than it does benefits.

As you may have heard me talk about in other newsletters or in my Truth about Six Pack Abs program ... one of the biggest problems with highly processed and refined vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil, and yes, even canola oil, is that the polyunsaturated component of the oil is highly unstable under heat, light, and pressure, and this heavily oxidizes the polyunsaturates which increases free radicals in your body.

The end result of all of this refining and processing are oils that are highly inflammatory in your body when you ingest them, potentially contributing to heart disease, weight gain, and other degenerative diseases.

The reason that extra virgin olive oil is good for you is that it is cold pressed without the use of heat and solvents to aid extraction. EVOO also contains important antioxidants that help protect the stability of the oil.

Canola oil, on the other hand, is typically extracted and refined using high heat, pressure, and petroleum solvents such as hexane. Most canola oil undergoes a process of caustic refining, degumming, bleaching, and deoderization, all using high heat and questionable chemicals. 

Does canola even have trans fats?

Even worse, all of this high heat, high pressure processing with solvents actually forces some of the omega-3 content of canola oil to be transformed into trans fats.

According to Dr. Mary Enig , PhD, and Nutritional Biochemist, "Although the Canadian government lists the trans fat content of canola at a minimal 0.2 percent, research at the University of Florida at Gainesville, found trans fat levels as high as 4.6 percent in commercial liquid canola oil".

And this is the crap that they are marketing to you as a "healthy oil"!

As you can see from the details above on how canola oil is processed, it is barely any healthier for you than other junk oils like soybean oil or corn oil.  The bottom line is that it is an inflammatory oil in your body and should be avoided as much as possible.

The only canola oil that might be reasonable is if you see that it is "cold pressed" and organic. Most canola oil is NOT cold pressed or organic, so you might as well choose oils that you know are healthier.

Your best bets are these truly healthy oils:

  • extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) - for lower temperature cooking or used as a healthy salad dressing oil
  • Udo's Choice Oil Blend - NEVER use this for cooking as it has a higher polyunsaturated fat content (therefore heat destroys the benefits of this oil, and increases it's inflammatory properties), but it is a cold processed blend of healthy oils that mixes well with olive oil for salad dressings.
  • Virgin coconut oil - great for all temperatures of cooking due to its super high stability under heat.  A great source of healthy saturated fats in the form of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), one of which is Lauric Acid, which helps support the immune system and is lacking in most western diets.
  • Organic grass-fed butter - I like to use a mix of grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and a small bit of olive oil for most of my cooking. Grass-fed butter is a great source of the healthy fat, CLA, which has even been shown in studies to have muscle building and fat burning properties.  Grass-fed butter also has a much healthier omega-6 to omega-3 ratio than standard butter at your grocery store.  Kerrygold Irish butter is my favorite grass-fed butter.

So don't be fooled by food labels claiming that they contain "healthy canola oil"... as you can see, this couldn't be further from the truth!  Choose some of the healthier options above and your body will thank you!








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