Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cover flow for UIQ3

This mod is intended for those of you who have
the symbian PowerMP3 program installed and
you just move the included “iPhone” folder to C:/
It is not as cool like on the iPhone, with scrolling
albumart, but when you press on either left or
right side of the albums the main CD cover art
will change and it works well.
Gimana pendapat anda tentang file pack modding ini? Lumayan Bagus kan?

Langsung download aja dimari
Tetap berhati-hati buka dulu isi file dan pahamin patch .vkp dengan notepad Dan perhatikan petunjuknya Jangan lupa nasihatku Sebelum memoding sediakan dulu Main dan fs hapemu dulu dan data original Takut-takut kalau gagal, Perhatikan file yang dimasukan, apalagi tpa/preset/custom ,Sangat berbahaya dan bisa fatal Hampir sama dengan patch .vkp ,ok salam modifer,Maju terus modifer indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam memodding,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses,amin

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